A Monster’s Beauty Read online Sam Crescent (In the Arms of Monsters #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: In the Arms of Monsters Series by Sam Crescent

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 72156 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 361(@200wpm)___ 289(@250wpm)___ 241(@300wpm)

Preacher saw the determination in her face.

“This is my decision. I’m not asking for permission to do what I need to do. I’m telling you I’m moving into this apartment, and I’m not getting in the way of club business. Whatever you guys need to sort out, deal with it, because I’m not getting in the middle. I won’t. I’m done. I feel like I’ve already wasted enough of your guys’ time, and it’s now for me to leave and to find a place for myself.”

“How do you expect to support you and Bethany?” Preacher asked.

“Working hard. I can budget, I always have. I can do this. I know I can.”

Bear laughed. “You’re not cut out for the big wide world, Robin. This is all a fallacy.”

“I’m not cut out for the big wide world, huh? I guess being raped and beaten, used as a bargaining tool, hurt, humiliated, and forced to marry a guy I didn’t want… I mean, what else is there? I’ve lost my memories, gained them back, lost a kid, got a kid. Yeah, I’m not ready for the big wide world. What can I not do?” she asked. “At the end of the day, if I struggle to make ends meet, I could always, I don’t know, become the whore you think I am.”

“Enough!” Preacher heard the pain in her voice, the anger, the regret. He looked at Bear, who had also gone silent. “We need to stay calm.”

“No other man will touch you,” Reaper said. “If you call her a whore again, I will cut your dick off, shove it in your mouth, and make you eat it before getting a bat and fucking you in the ass, and getting my boys to use you one by one. Do you understand?”

Preacher slammed his hand against the table. “You’re not a whore. This is… It’s not safe for you. You don’t have to do this.”

“You think I didn’t see what you did last night after I told you the truth that I’m married to him? I can’t look at your face, Preacher. I’m not stupid and I’m not blind. I’m the cause of all of this and I can end all of this by not giving in. By not being this way. A fresh start with my daughter. You and Reaper can resolve your issues. No more pain. No more anything.”

“You’re our issue,” Reaper said.

Robin pressed her lips together and stared down at her lap, hands clenched tightly together. She sniffled. “I know and you all want me to make some kind of choice, and I can’t do that. I’m sorry. I’m confused. I…” She looked at Bear.

“Leave,” Preacher said.

“She’s my daughter. I can stay here. Whatever she has to say, I have a right to know.”

“And I’m your president. You want to take me on, bring it on. This is personal and private. You no longer get the chance to be here when you put all the blame on her and called her a whore.”

Bear laughed. “Am I the only one seeing the problem is her? This isn’t a hard choice to make. You take Preacher. You take what you want and you don’t allow her to cloud your fucking mind.”

“Get out,” Preacher said and this time Reaper stood.

“You think you can take me on?” Bear asked.

Without another word, Robin got to her feet. “And this is why I have to leave. Bear has every right to be here, not me. I’m the problem and I’m tired of being in the middle. I know this should be an easy decision, but it’s not. As much as I hate to admit it, I love you both. I can’t pick and I won’t. Bethany needs a father and I … I can’t. I, I’m leaving. She will just have to cope with having a mother.”

She left the table and he heard her pick up the phone.

Looking at Bear and then Reaper, he didn’t like what was happening, but he knew she was making the right decision for her. He had to deal with each little problem element. First, this situation with Reaper and his club, Bear, his own club, and then his feelings for Robin.

She didn’t come back into the room and he heard her move upstairs.

“You’re just going to let her go?” Reaper asked.

“There’s no letting going on right now,” Preacher said.

“It’s not safe for her.”

“You should have thought about that before you brought your child here to deal with all of this.” Preacher left the room. “Try not to kill each other,” he said as a parting shot.

After walking upstairs, he went to her bedroom where she had a single case open with some clothes put inside.

She turned toward him and he saw the tears in her eyes. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”

He couldn’t have her crying. He went straight to her and pulled her into his arms, kissing the top of her head and knowing he’d never let her go. His love for her was absolute. “I know you need to go and I even understand the reason. But I don’t want you to go. Last night, I fucked up, I wasn’t ready for that little fact.”


