Ashes Read online Suzanne Wright (The Dark in You #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Funny, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors: Series: Dark in You Series by Suzanne Wright

Total pages in book: 118
Estimated words: 111986 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 560(@200wpm)___ 448(@250wpm)___ 373(@300wpm)


“They needed to possess something of yours and to have fed you a little of their blood – it could have been in your drink; you wouldn’t have known.”

Harper grimaced. “Their blood? Really?”


Both she and her demon shuddered. The entity was more uptight than usual, which was pretty understandable in Harper’s opinion. She put a hand to her stomach as she voiced the question she’d dreaded asking for fear of the answer. “The baby’s fine, right?”

Hearing the slight tremor in her voice, Knox cupped her face. “The baby is fine, I promise you.” He’d spent much of the night with his hand on her stomach, feeling the baby move and kick, letting it calm his demon. “Other than a little hungover, how do you feel?”

“Not bad, considering. I don’t feel weak or anything.”

“Good, because I want to take you somewhere.”

She arched a brow. “Oh yeah? Where?”

One corner of his mouth lifted at the dubious note in her tone. “It’s a surprise.”

A snort popped out of her. “It’s you wanting to whisk me away from here – that’s what it is,” she corrected.

“You can’t tell me you’re not feeling a little anxious. You’ve been attacked, hexed, and you’re pregnant. A little downtime will do you good. And, yes, I want to whisk you to someplace safe. Somewhere where you can relax.”

“For how long?”

“For as long as it takes for you to get better and emotionally recover.” And for his demon to calm the hell down. “Be honest – your fever might be broken and the pain might have gone, but it’s left you weak and weary. It’s also spooked you a little and left you shaken.”

Unable to deny any of that, Harper puffed out a breath and said, “Okay, you can whisk me away somewhere, but I’d like to see Jolene before I go. She’ll be worried.”

Knox nodded. “About Jolene… you should know that she destroyed a number of derelict buildings last night.”

Harper winced. “You told her I’d been hexed? Damn, Knox, I thought you were smarter than that.”

“She would have found out from someone. It was better that she heard it from me.”


“Did you know that she’d had trouble with Jonas?”

“Jonas?” Harper echoed, surprised. She listened intently as he relayed the things he’d heard from Larkin and Jolene. “If we were talking about anyone other than Jonas, I’d understand why you might link him with what’s happened to me and Heidi. But Jonas likes you,” she pointed out, absentmindedly tracing the brand her demon left on his nape. “He wouldn’t go after your mate.”

Knox’s mouth kicked up into a smile. “Nobody likes me, baby. They fear me and so they’re civil toward me out of respect and a sense of self-preservation – that’s it.”

“You’re wrong. Your sentinels like you. My family likes you.” She smiled. “I like you.”

His cock twitched at the sensual note in her voice. “Later, when we’re alone, I’ll have you.”

“Why later? What’s happening now?”

“Now I go talk with the Primes. I called an emergency meeting. You can’t come, Harper,” he quickly added. “One of them can sense pregnancies, and we’re not ready for people to know yet.”

She snorted. “You’d expect me to stay behind anyway.”

“I would,” he admitted, unrepentant.

She blew out a long breath. “I guess I’ll pack while you’re gone.”

“Good girl.” He kissed her forehead. “We’ll be gone a couple of weeks, so don’t pack light.”

“Okay. Try not to kill Thatcher or Jonas. I want to make sure the right guy dies.”

“I can’t make any promises, but I’ll try. For you.” Sliding his fingers into her hair, he kissed her – a soft and slow exploration that still left her panting. “Shower.”

Sensing he needed to take care of her, Harper didn’t protest as he washed, dried, and dressed her. She even let him comb her hair, knowing it calmed him. Still, when he set down the brush and she turned to face him, anxiety lingered in his dark eyes. “I’m okay.”

Cupping her hips, he pulled her close. “Of course you are. It’s the only reason my demon isn’t destroying its surroundings.” He gave her a quick kiss. “I have to leave now, so I can’t have breakfast with you, but I won’t be long. Be good for Tanner and Keenan. Oh, be warned that Meg may fuss over you like crazy. She was scared seeing you in that much pain. Be patient with her.”

“I will, if for no other reason than she won’t make me muffins anymore if I’m not.” She melted into him as he brushed his nose against hers before kissing her yet again. “Love you.”

“And I love you, baby.” They were words he’d never thought he’d ever give to someone. Words he didn’t think he could give, since there was no denying that he was emotionally stunted. But they were the truth. She was everything to him. And now she was carrying his baby. A child that would probably always be in danger for the simple reason that Knox was its father, just like Harper would probably always be in danger for the simple reason that she was his mate.


