Baby for the Boss Read online Victoria Snow (The Office Affairs #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Office Affairs Series by Victoria Snow

Total pages in book: 83
Estimated words: 75553 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 378(@200wpm)___ 302(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

We arrived at the restaurant after a long wait in Manhattan traffic and I tipped the driver in spite of the delay, after all, it wasn’t his fault. The restaurant looked rather busy even from the outside and I could tell immediately that it was a hotspot in the area. Remembering Remy’s uneasiness yesterday in the crowds, I took her arm and guided her inside while keeping her close. I didn’t want anything to upset her anymore than she already was.

The host seated us with Kelly, Isaac, and a bunch of other executives within minutes and I was thankful that they’d booked a separate room for our dinner. The alcohol was flowing freely and Kelly was quick to keep the conversation going and ensure it was upbeat. For once, I was grateful for her presence and I hoped that it might inspire some spirited in the wilted Remy.

However, if anything, Remy looked even worse than she had done at the hotel. She was only picking at her food in spite of how delicious I found it and when Kelly offered her wine, she refused it totally. Instead, she was just sipping at her ice water and keeping her eyes on the table. It was such a contrast to the effervescent and smiley Remy I was used to and I wanted nothing more than to make her better.

My eyes caught Kelly’s and I inclined my head toward the bar. She picked up on the signal and followed me under the guise of getting more drinks. “What’s up, Griff?” she asked with narrowed eyes. “Is there a problem?”

“You must have noticed that Remy’s not feeling herself today,” I said with a grimace. “I think she’s coming down with something, so I want to take her back to the hotel for a lie down if it’s all right with you.”

Kelly rolled her eyes and let out a little laugh. “Jesus, Griff, you’ve been coddling your little secretary girlfriend enough for one lifetime don’t you think?” She paused and placed a hand on my arm. “Maybe she isn’t such a great fit for your lifestyle, Griff. Have you ever thought about that?”

Though I could feel the rage building inside me at Kelly’s words, I stayed as calm as possible and instead of lashing out at her, I turned and darted straight toward Remy. “We need to go now,” I said through gritted teeth as I gripped her arm and led her out of the restaurant.

“Wh-what’s going on?” she asked as I held out my hand for a cab and climbed into it.

“We’re going back to the hotel,” I told her as she climbed in and I gave the driver the address. “You’re clearly not okay even if you say you are and I didn’t want to keep you in a situation where you couldn’t relax.”

As the car began to drive away, Remy sunk into the seat and stared down at her lap. “I’m sorry, Griff. I didn’t mean to cause such a fuss,” she said in a quiet whisper. “I’m not sure what’s wrong with me.”

“It’s no problem, Remy,” I replied and placed a hand on hers. “I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

She gave me a sad smile and just as I was about to open my mouth to talk about the problem further, my phone began to ring. With a huff, I reached into my pocket and answered. “Hello?”

“Griff,” my mother, Donna, said as soon as I picked up. “Oh, Griff, I’m so glad I caught you.”

“What’s going on, Mom? You don’t sound like yourself.”

“I... I have some news for you,” she replied and gulped. “Your father has just been admitted to hospital. The doctors say he hasn’t got long left, Griff. I...” She trailed off and paused for a moment as she summoned the courage to continue. “I want you to come to the hospital in Boston and see him one last time.”



I couldn’t explain the relief I felt when Griff let me leave that restaurant and get away from all of those people I barely knew. Nothing was worse when I was sad than having to pretend to be okay in front of people who clearly didn’t care either way. But I barely had time to share my relief with Griff before he got the phone call that seemed to change everything.

In the backseat of the taxi, I watched him closely. The entire time he spoke, I could hear the pain in his voice no matter how much he was trying to mask it. It was clear from the way he was acting that this was a personal matter and it was affecting Griff deeply. His whole face looked crestfallen and I could see his eyes beginning to water. At the same time, however, his jaw was set tight in anger. It was clearly something complicated and I wanted to know what was going on. My curiosity made me want to reach out and touch him, to get him to open up to me, but I knew he needed his space. I couldn’t be selfish right now. I had to put Griff first.


