Bad Apple Read Online Lani Lynn Vale (Uncertain Saints MC, #4)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Contemporary, Funny, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Uncertain Saint's MC Series by Lani Lynn Vale

Total pages in book: 70
Estimated words: 71289 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 356(@200wpm)___ 285(@250wpm)___ 238(@300wpm)

Her eyes flared with an inner light that I couldn’t quite decipher before she was suddenly very naked.

Her shirt was ripped over her head and thrown to the floor before I even had a chance to protest.

“Work…” I said. “I have one more day of work. Then we can do as much fucking off as we want.”

She giggled.

“Did I tell you how sexy you look in only your work shirt, boxers, and a cowboy hat?” She asked, circling her finger around the emblem on my work shirt.

“No,” I snorted. “You didn’t mention that before.”

Personally, I thought I looked ridiculous, but there was a method to my madness.

Shirt on first, followed by underwear, pants, socks and then boots.

Since my shirt had to be tucked in, it seemed to easier to get that on first, and obviously Kitt approved of my methods.

I caught her hands when she started to go a little too far south, and she grinned.

“You’re going to be on time, promise,” she said, pulling her hands from mine and letting them trail down my sides. “You’ll make this quick.”

I groaned in defeat when she pressed her unbound breasts against my arm and dragged them along the coarse hair before walking to the bed and lying down.

The position made the t-shirt she was wearing slide up past her hips and expose her bared pussy to me.

“You’re sure?” I asked, putting a knee on the bed between her splayed thighs.

Her eyes, already hooded, lowered further.

Then she widened her legs in invitation.

An invitation that I didn’t ignore.

Crawling up between her legs, I stopped when my thighs touched hers.

“So are you ready for me?” I ran the backs of my fingers up her leg lightly.

Up and down I went as I watched small goosebumps break out over the sensitive skin.

She gasped slightly, her breath hitching in anticipation when my fingers ventured close to her pussy lips.

“I’m more than ready,” she whispered. “I watched you shower and played with myself.”

My eyebrows shot to the top of my head at her words.

“You’re a dirty girl, then?” I breathed against her mouth.

A slow smile broke out over her face.

“Check and see,” she invited.

I bent down until my mouth was only inches away from her pussy, and then gave one long, unhurried lick.

Her flavor burst on my taste buds, making my already hard cock practically strain the confines of my skin.

“Goddammit,” I hissed. “You taste so good. I could get lost in everything that is you.”

“Hurry or we’ll be late,” she insisted, holding her hands out to me.

I bent over her, putting all of my weight into my fisted hands on either side of her head.

“Guide me in,” I told her.

She reached for my cock, and I had to close my eyes to keep from coming just at the feel of her hand around my straining erection.

“Don’t,” I said in a strangled groan when she pumped it twice.

She pumped one more time and my eyes nearly crossed at the pleasure that small hand could inflict on me.

Then she guided the ruddy head of my cock to her entrance, and I slowly pushed inside.

She gasped and arched, her belly meeting mine for a few long seconds as I sank deeply inside of her to the hilt.

“You feel so good,” she breathed. “The first seconds after you enter me are like an electrocution to my nerve endings.”

I couldn’t agree more.

The way her tight heat practically clung to my invading cock was nothing short of life altering.

The alarm on my phone signaling it was time to leave sounded somewhere in the vicinity of the bathroom, and I caught Kitt’s eyes.

“Hurry,” she urged. “Give it to me fast!”

I wanted to laugh.

If I gave it to her how she wanted it, it’d literally be two point five seconds.

Which obviously she wanted when her heels started digging into my bare ass.

The waistband of my underwear dug into my ass as I started to hasten my thrusts.

One thrust. Two. Three.

She gasped and started to writhe underneath me.

“Oh God,” she gasped.

Then I felt her pretty, wet pussy start to convulse, and I let go.

My release poured out of me, and I grunted with each spurt that burst from me.

“Jesus,” she said, pushing at my chest. “You’re heavy.”

I went up to my knees and she gasped for breath.

Then started to laugh when she pointed to her stomach.

“Our daughter didn’t like you taking any of her room,” she pointed to her belly.

My cock instantly deflated as if it never was.

“Shit. Sorry,” I said. “Gonna have to do that differently from now on.”

She rolled her eyes and grabbed for her discarded t-shirt, placing it between her legs and waddling to the bathroom.

“You better hurry,” she ordered, tossing me my phone that was still sounding its alarm.

I caught it and shut the alarm off.

Tossing it to the bed, I righted my underwear, smoothed out my shirt, yanked on my pants, and then shoved my feet into socks.


