Because I Want You – Sin & Deceit Read Online Claire Contreras

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Crime, Mafia, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 96129 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 481(@200wpm)___ 385(@250wpm)___ 320(@300wpm)

Tonight, he looked at me like he wanted to fuck me every type of way he knew how and discover ways he didn’t yet know of. He hadn’t bothered to turn the lights on, but the streetlight that sat a few feet from his bedroom gave us just enough light. He was still fully dressed, standing in front of me, dragging those dark eyes down my completely naked form in a way that made me want to cover up. I started moving my knees closer together, but he shook his head slowly, took a step forward, and used both hands to spread them further apart than they had been. He licked his lips as he looked between my legs but still hadn’t said a word. I wasn’t much of a talker during sex, but this man made me want to demand things, say things, scream things, and because I trusted him, because he knew me, I did.


“Give me a moment, baby.”

My heart sped up when he called me that. Who would’ve known? I would’ve laughed at myself if I wasn’t so wrapped up in the fact that despite how much I wanted him, I knew it was a terrible idea.

“I don’t think I can handle another moment,” I said. He grinned. “You’re still fully dressed.”

He kept his eyes on mine as he lifted his shirt over his head. I knew great bodies. I was surrounded by them, but none were like Dom’s. I’d seen him shirtless, of course. I’d seen the lines on his hard stomach and the V on his pelvis. I’d seen the tattoos that covered his torso and arms, but I hadn’t really looked. Or rather, I’d tried hard not to look. His jeans were gone next, exposing the kind of muscular thighs I’d only seen on soccer players. Back then, Dom had been an all-around athlete, getting medals and trophies for every sport he’d played, but people lose that drive as they get older. I wasn’t sure if he’d lost the drive, but he definitely had kept the body. I zeroed in on his boxer briefs, also black, at the tent there, which was massive, and held my breath. My eyes snapped back up to his as he dragged those down and stepped out of them, tossing them aside. I licked my lips but didn’t look back down. I wasn’t ready.

I wasn’t even sure why I was still looking him in the eye. It wasn’t the norm for me. I avoided eye contact, avoided kissing if I could, avoided any kind of connection that wasn’t purely physical. I hadn’t always done that, of course. I’d had a boyfriend from when I was eighteen to twenty-two, who I’d loved and given myself to completely. I thought Ray would be it for me, but then we broke up and I found out the hard way that loving someone wasn’t the same thing as being in love with someone. Since then, I’d had one more serious relationship that ended in a less-than-ideal manner, when he’d decided to date another dancer in the company, and after that, I hadn’t really been with anyone until Anthony. I shut my eyes briefly at the thought of Anthony right now and pushed it away quickly. Even though I meant to keep tonight casual, I didn’t want to tarnish it with bad thoughts. At the feel of his hands on my knees, my eyes popped open.

“Where’d you go?” He spread my legs wider, setting a knee between them, right against my pussy, and leaned forward on the bed, hands on either side of me as he brought his mouth down to my jaw, my cheek, my neck. He hadn’t kissed my lips yet and I wondered if he had the same conflict as me. The feel of his thick, hard cock against my belly made me shiver.

“Nowhere,” I whispered, bringing my arms around his neck and encouraging him to keep exploring my body.

“So impatient.” He chuckled against my neck, dragging his mouth to my chest, swirling his tongue around and over my left nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

“Oh, God.” I hissed, arching my back, pushing myself further onto him. His dick pulsed on my stomach, and I groaned again. “I need you to fuck me.”

“So impatient,” he said again, another dark chuckle leaving his mouth as he moved on to my right breast.

“Please.” I bowed my body onto him as much as I could. He brought one hand to my waist and set me flat against the bed, pulling away from my chest to meet my eyes.

“Stop moving.” He squeezed my hip. “I’ve waited too long for this just to have it be over in one minute.”

“Okay,” I breathed. “Okay.”

It wasn’t okay, since I didn’t think I could take any more of this teasing, this torture, without release. I wasn’t used to this, but I’d try. He didn’t let go of my hip as his mouth traveled back to my chest and down my abdomen. Only once he’d settled between my legs, did he let go of my hip and bring his hands to my inner thighs, stretching me. I got back up on my elbows and looked at him, heart pounding, pulse racing when he met my eyes and I saw all of the dark promises in them. Without taking his eyes off mine, he dipped down and licked the length of my slit. My hips buckled. He did it again and again until my legs shook.


