Beyond the Badge – Nox (Blue Avengers MC #6) Read Online Jeanne St. James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Blue Avengers MC Series by Jeanne St. James

Total pages in book: 133
Estimated words: 131888 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 659(@200wpm)___ 528(@250wpm)___ 440(@300wpm)

“I’ll text you with his last location once I get off the phone and can check it.”

“Thanks, Cait.”

The call ended.

He considered going back to Rockvale to grab his truck so it would be easier to check his messages as he drove, but that would waste time. Plus, he could travel faster on his Harley than in his old Chevy and he wanted to catch up before either T-Bone or Saint, or whoever snagged her, took their final breath.

He had questions.

He wanted answers.

If it was Saint and T-Bone, Nox wanted to know why they took Liyah and how they tied the two of them together. After that, he didn’t give a shit what happened to either the former prospect or the strip club manager.

He’d even help throw gas on the fire as they burned in hell.

His phone dinged just as he threw a leg over his bike. He checked his texts to see a screenshot of a map that included Magnum’s last location.

Thank fuck for Cait.

He started his Harley and raced in that direction.

Nox was thankful he had a full tank of gas because for the whole trip, he kept the throttle twisted hard as he chased the group chasing Liyah’s car.

He hoped to fuck this wasn’t a wild goose chase and someone else had her vehicle. One method to throw them off track.

Were T-Bone and Saint smart enough to think of that? He hoped to fuck not.

His thoughts as he rode never stopped spinning. Did those stupid fucks even know who they were fucking with? Who Liyah had ties to? He wasn’t thinking about himself, but Magnum and the Dark Knights.

Two assholes versus an army of ruthless, pissed off bikers. Then add in the Shadows.

T-Bone and Saint would lose and lose big.

Magnum considered his daughter Dark Knights property. And no one got away with touching an MC’s property. And lived to talk about it afterward.

Even Nox knew that.

So yeah, those dumbasses probably didn’t have a clue who they were fucking with.

But they would.


Nox already decided he wouldn’t do shit to stop them. If anything, he’ll be silently cheering them on.

Did that go against his morals? Normally, yes. But this situation was far from normal.

Would not stopping their demise make him a bad person? If it did, he didn’t give a fuck.

Every twenty minutes, he’d pull over, quickly check his texts and get his bearings. Thank fuck Cait was on it with sending him regular updates.

He’d owe her at least two dozen roses.

Hell, a trip to Fiji.

Once he crossed the Mason-Dixon line, he pulled over once more, glanced at his phone and noticed that she sent a message telling him they stopped, and she even drew a big X on the map where they did so.

Nox didn’t have far to catch up. He memorized the location, shoved his phone in his pocket and sped off.

Eighteen minutes later, he pulled up to a motel that made the one in Ohio, where they found Sadie, look like a five-star resort.

In fact, the motel had been abandoned and was beginning to collapse. Just the condition of it made his stomach turn.

Then he spotted a large vehicle that looked like it belonged in a dystopian movie.

Along with a half dozen Harleys.

In the large SUV, or whatever it was, was a couple of men.

He quickly parked his bike in line with rest but as he dismounted, a big man exited from the driver’s seat of the vehicle. As soon as Nox saw the man’s size and scarred face, he knew exactly who it was.

Ryan Mercer aka Mercy.

The man might be older, but he was still intimidating. Being in his crosshairs was enough for anyone to shit their pants.

Nox figured it was pretty damn obvious to Mercy and his crew that a white guy on a Harley wasn’t a Dark Knight. That meant the Shadow was about to run interference for Magnum.

“You are?”

Nox faced him. “Here to get Aaliyah.”

“That didn’t answer my question.”

“Liyah’s mine.”

Mercy’s head tipped to the side and his steel gray eyes narrowed. “You’re the cop.”

“I am.”

“You sure you want to be here?”

Nox raised his chin and answered, “If she’s here, one hundred percent.”

“She is.”

“Then I don’t have time for this chat.”

Did the man’s lips twitch? “You’re aware those men in there don’t like cops.”

Nox pointed to his bruised and swollen face. “I’m aware.”

He lifted the eyebrow with the scar running through it. “But you’re here anyway.”

“Damn right.”

The second Mercy gave him a single nod and headed back to his monster vehicle, Nox headed in the opposite direction.

The motel room’s broken door gaped open a bit. Whether it had been like that previously or someone recently kicked it in, Nox didn’t know or care. He shoved it open the rest of the way, making quite a few heads turn toward him.

What Nox didn’t expect was the electricity to be on in the rundown and abandoned business. It made him wonder if the Demons owned this trash dump and if so, for what reason since it wasn’t bringing in any money in the condition it was in.


