Built for Goldie – Storm Hogs MC Read Online T.O. Smith

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 19
Estimated words: 17129 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 86(@200wpm)___ 69(@250wpm)___ 57(@300wpm)

She clicked on Bob’s Burgers and rested her back against the couch before grabbing her fries. I scooted back to sit next to her, our shoulders brushing. With my burger box cradled in one hand, I held my sandwich with my other, my eyes focusing on the TV screen even though I was barely seeing any of it.

It was nearly impossible to focus on anything that wasn’t Mikayla. The heat emanating from her body. How fucking good she smelled even though she’d told me she’d taught two classes today. Everything about her was dangerously addictive.

It was quiet between us for a little while, giving me the opportunity to get lost in my thoughts, which were consumed by the beautiful blonde next to me. She laughed at some parts of the show, even mimicked others. It was obvious Bob’s Burgers was one of her favorite shows, and it made me like her even more. A woman who liked a little bit of crude comedy? Fuck yes.

“Any other shows you like besides this one?” I asked her.

“Hm?” She looked over at me, her cheeks coloring the prettiest shade of pink when she realized she’d completely focused on the show. “Sorry—was I doing that thing where I talk with them?” When I chuckled and nodded, her cheeks turned an even darker color. “I’ve seen every episode of this show more times than I can count,” she confessed. “But to answer your question, yes. I love Family Guy, American Dad, Futurama…” Her voice trailed off. “I probably sound like such a weirdo right now.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “Are you fucking kidding me? I think I might be in love with you.” I said it jokingly, but internally, I freaked the fuck out. Had I, Beau Justice, really let some shit like that slip out of my mouth when I wasn’t even looking for anything serious? I’d obviously lost my mind, even if this woman basically had me by the balls, and we’d barely done anything more than kiss. I just… hadn’t been dwelling on it.

A blush stained her cheeks, and she ducked her head the tiniest bit, a smile pulling at her lips. Too late to take what I said back though. Doing so would make her sad, and something carnal struggled to rise to the surface at the thought of her being sad again.

I set my food aside and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, tugging her against my side. She looked up at me, tilting her chin up, and I swooped in, taking the opportunity to claim her mouth with mine.

She turned her body more so her breasts were pressed against my side. A groan crawled up my throat. Her body was so soft. So enticing. I couldn’t fucking get enough of it. Of her.

“Fuck, woman,” I rasped, pulling her closer. She moaned into my mouth, her lips parting. I dipped my tongue inside, licking at the softness of her mouth, learning and memorizing every bit of it before I pulled back. She was panting, her fingers curled into my cut as I worked my way along her jaw.

“Fuuck,” she groaned as I gently sank my teeth into the skin right beneath her ear. She rubbed against me, pressing her body closer to mine. “Beau…” Her voice trailed off, but I heard the plea in it. The beg for more. The wish for me to never stop.

“Bedroom,” I growled. I was not fucking her for the first time on this damn floor when there was a perfectly good bed not too far away.

She stood to her feet, and I quickly followed her up. Once her smaller fingers were wrapped around my larger hand, she tugged, leading me to her bedroom, which was through a door to the right. The room was done in black and dark purple, which surprised me a little considering she seemed to have such a bright personality. A pile of clothes sat in a chair in the corner near her open closet, and two of her dresser drawers were open.

My lips twitched in amusement. She was just a little bit messy, and I found it endearing.

Tugging her against me, my lips sought hers out again, and once they were connected, I slowly backed her up toward the bed until the back of her knees hit the mattress.

“Wait,” she breathed. Immediately, I lifted my head, my eyes opening to look down at her. Her chest was heaving, her lips swollen and red from being kissed. Her eyes were a little hazy with lust, but there was nervousness in her gaze, too.

Please don’t request for me to stop, I silently begged. I needed her so fucking badly.

“What is it?” I asked her. I slid my fingers down her sides until I could clasp her small waist. “Talk to me, goldie.”


