Contempt (Sin City Salvation #3) Read Online A. Zavarelli

Categories Genre: Angst, Biker, Contemporary, Dark, MC, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Sin City Salvation Series by A. Zavarelli

Total pages in book: 195
Estimated words: 185573 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 928(@200wpm)___ 742(@250wpm)___ 619(@300wpm)

“This doesn’t change anything,” she assures me when she sees the crazy look in my eyes. “I still don’t like you.”

“I’ve never hated you more,” I insist, plowing into her as I fuck her so hard, she’ll feel me for days.

“The first chance I get, I’m going to run,” she pants as I squeeze her tits and rub them against my face.

“The first chance I get, I’m hauling your ass in and turning you over.”

Her body goes rigid, and the orgasm I felt building in her comes to a screeching halt as she glares at me.



Without warning, she shoves me back and slides off the counter and onto the floor, knees spread as she gestures for me.

“Down here.”

My dick is wet and cold, and I’m not in the habit of following orders, especially from a brat like her. But right now, my balls are aching so bad, I just need to fucking blow.

I kneel in front of her and reach for her hips, but she puts her palm on my chest and pushes me down onto my back, climbing on top of me instead.

“Fine.” I lay my head down and stretch out my arms. “You do all the work.”

She slides her wet pussy along my shaft, teasing me with a sweet smile.

“Quit fucking with me and get on my dick,” I growl.

“Or what?” she taunts.

“Or I’ll go find someone who will.” I toss her words from last night back at her.

This brings out the jealous little beast in her again, and her eyes spew liquid fire as she grabs my face between her fingers.


She follows her declaration by dropping herself onto my cock, bottoming out with a satisfied little grunt. Her hands rest on my chest, and she uses my body like a bench as her hips grind down on me. I can’t tear my eyes away. She’s never looked more tempting than she does right now, laying claim to my dick like she owns it.

Her eyes fall shut, and she brings her palms to her breasts, fondling them as she uses me to get herself off. I would consider helping, but I’m enjoying the view too much. She fucks me like it’s her full-time job, taking me so deep it feels like I’m splitting her in half.

She rides me harder, faster, rolling her hips as her muscles tighten. She looks wild when her gaze clashes with mine, like she’s searching for something in my eyes. Whatever it is, she finds it, and her legs begin to shake as the orgasm rips through her.

She convulses around me, milking my cock so hard it sends me straight over the cliff with her.

“Fucccck.” I squeeze her hips and try to pry her off me, but she clamps down with her thighs and grips me like a fucking vise.

I’m past the point of no return. My cock unleashes inside her as she echoes every contraction with her tight cunt. It feels so goddamn good that I can forget how dangerous this game is for a second. I make it a point never to fuck a woman without a condom, but Bianca is the exception to that rule because she’s a fire-breathing demon from hell. She only confirms it when I open my eyes and see the satisfied expression on her face.

“You’re fucking unhinged. You know that?”

“Why? Because of this?” She rocks back and spreads her thighs, sliding her fingers through her come-soaked pussy.

“That isn’t going to stop me from turning you in.”

“Liar.” She crawls up my body and grazes my lips with hers. “If you were going to turn me in, you would have already done it. The only reason I’m here is because you want to keep me. You just can’t admit it.”

“You’re here because I want the truth,” I grit out.

“Then you’ll die holding your breath.” She gets up, snatches her robe, and leaves me there alone.

Chapter 38



“Hey.” Bianca taps me on the shoulder as the guests at Ada’s funeral disperse. “Do you think you could drive me home?”

My first instinct is to tell her no, but when I look at her tearstained face, I know I can’t. Regardless of whatever’s going on between us, I’m not about to let her drive when she’s this upset.

I nod, and she leads me outside to her silver Mercedes coupe. I open the door for her, and she settles into the passenger seat while I walk around to the driver’s side. The tension between us has never been more palpable than when I slide behind the wheel and see how different our worlds are.

I took my driver’s test using the truck Stefan reserves for the groundskeeping staff. While Adam and our parents drive new Audis, I’m still saving up for a vehicle of my own. Before I was sent away, I worked part-time at a local farm doing grunt work. My plan was to save enough for a truck and a deposit to move out on my own. But all of that went out the window during my stint at the ranch.


