Cyclone – Bones MC Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 32845 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 164(@200wpm)___ 131(@250wpm)___ 109(@300wpm)

“Yeah. Copy that.” I tried to keep the bite out of my voice. I figured I’d already pushed it far enough with the woman. Data would only let me get by with so much. I shook my head. “Sorry, Zora. I’m only irritated at you because you’re a hundred percent right.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Oh, I know. At least you better know. I’m not saying you have to make Willa your old lady or anything. But you need to respect her. No matter how uncomfortable you are with what happened. Have you even checked on her since then?”

I winced. “No. Tried to keep my distance.”

“I see. I suppose you did it because you believe you’re so irresistible to women she’ll cling or something. Got news for you, big guy. You’re not nearly as magnetic as you want to think. Most of the women here want you because of the power you represent, but I think you know that.”

“I don’t need a lecture from you, Zora. I’m aware the club girls see a single vice president as their ticket to ruling the roost around here. And, no, I don’t want a woman of my own. Not yet anyway. I’ve got to establish myself as an authority figure in Bones, as well as learn a whole helluva lot before I even think about bringing a woman into my life permanently.”

“Did she indicate she expected more from you than one night?” Zora wasn’t letting this go. She intended to drive her point home and I honestly couldn’t blame her.

“No. She didn’t. And you’re right. I should have checked on her. I offered help if she needed it, but I should have followed up and made sure she was all right.”

“You absolutely should have.” She leaned back in her chair, never taking her eyes off me. “I trust that’s a mistake you won’t make again.”

“No, Zora.” I didn’t even try to keep the exasperation from my voice. “I’m not a complete dumbass. Now, while I realize you’re looking out for Willa, you’ve pushed me as far as I’m going to let you. I fucked up. I freely admit that. And I’m going to fix my fuckup. But I’m still the vice president of this club and you’re an old lady. That gives you liberties, but enough is enough.”

She stood so suddenly her chair rolled back several inches. Then Data’s tiny wife marched up to me and poked a finger into my chest hard enough to make me pay attention. “Wrong. It’s not nearly enough, Cyclone. Not nearly enough.”

Chapter Five


I couldn’t sit still. They’d put me in a holding cell with a couple other women, but I was the only one who seemed on edge. The other two were watching me with smirks on their faces.

“I take it you’ve never been arrested before?” one of them asked as she popped her gum.

I shook my head without looking at her. “No. But that’s not the problem,” I muttered. While it wasn’t exactly what I’d call comfortable sitting in a county jail, I’d rather stay here for days -- weeks even -- than face Cyclone. The good news was if he was coming to get me himself, it would be several hours at minimum before he got here. I just wanted out of here so I could wrap up in a big fuzzy blanket and contemplate my life choices.

“You afraid your daddy’ll whup your ass?” The other one grinned like it was all some kind of big joke.

I snorted. “If only.” They looked at each other. One of them rolled her eyes, but I tried not to look at either of them. “My dad’s the least of my problems.”

“Willa Norvac?” A woman in a light brown uniform approached the cell.

“Yes, ma’am.” I stopped my pacing and turned to face her. There was no way Cyclone could have gotten here this fast.

“Your bail’s been posted, honey. Come with me.”

“I… but I can’t drive. The state trooper who brought me in said my license was suspended immediately until I had my court date.”

“That’s correct. The person who paid your bail also paid for a cab to a hotel until someone comes to pick you up. You can check with the hotel when you get there, but I’m pretty sure your room’s taken care of, too.”

I nodded. Maybe Cyclone had sent my dad after all. One could hope. “Thank you.”

She opened the cell door and I stepped out. Once the door slid shut, I followed the woman to the processing area once more. She handed me the bag with my things and instructed me to do an inventory. When I’d finished, I signed a form to take possession of it all and she escorted me outside. The taxi was waiting.

“Have a better night, honey,” she said with a gentle smile. “Just make sure to slow down and pay attention from now on.”


