Desolation Road – Torpedo Ink Read online Christine Feehan

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 173
Estimated words: 158191 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 791(@200wpm)___ 633(@250wpm)___ 527(@300wpm)

He continued rubbing the oil into her cheeks, his thumbs sliding into the seam between them, finding that forbidden little star and deliberately sweeping over it again and again. Claiming that territory as his own. “Scarlet. What do redhot little pussycats have right here?”

He pushed his thumb into that star between her cheeks and fucked her slowly. Gently. At the same time, he flicked her clit and strummed and circled it. He was rewarded with another flood of scorching-hot liquid, little droplets collecting on her curls and the inviting entrance to her sex.

“A tail?” For the first time her voice trembled.

He pressed a kiss into the base of her spine. Working her clit. Working her ass. His cock was so hard he thought he might explode. “That’s right, baby. Smoking-hot pussycats have a tail, and when they crawl around, that tail shows off their beautiful ass and the way they can work it. The way they tempt their man. The way they say without words, ‘Come and fuck me. Use me. Use my lovely mouth and give me my treat straight from your cock.’ That sassy tail says, ‘My cute little pussy needs filling up.’ It says, ‘My gorgeous ass is empty and is desperate for your cock.’”

All the while he talked in his low voice, he kept working her body, using that oil on her, pushing his finger, first one then two, into her, fucking her with his fingers while still fucking her ass with his thumb. She was pushing back into him now, trying to find a rhythm, her hips lifting. He leaned down and scraped his teeth over her left cheek, raising more goose bumps. She was very receptive. More than receptive.

He pulled his hands away to replace his fingers with his mouth. She cried out and he stopped, lifting his head. “Pussycats purr. They don’t scream. They can dig their claws into me, or the carpet, but they never scream. They don’t use their voice like that. It’s my fault for not reminding you, so I won’t stop, but you will have to remember, kiska.”

Absinthe couldn’t help but smile as he bent his head again. She tasted like fucking heaven and he was going to feast on her. She wasn’t going to get the relief she thought she would because he was too damned good at what he did. She didn’t have a chance, but that was the fun of playing. That was what he loved. Scarlet had entered into the game with him willingly and she hadn’t looked at him as if he were the most perverted, fucked-up man in the world. Someday, he would tell her why he was the way he was and how he got that way, but not tonight. Tonight, he would see if they were really compatible and if they could fulfill each other’s deepest cravings in the bedroom.

He sucked on her pussy lips, knowing he was going to shave them bare so she would feel everything he did to them. He used his tongue creatively, drawing out her honey, stabbing and fucking and then stroking caresses, hard, using the flat of his tongue, then soft, licking again, changing the rhythm so she couldn’t get used to it, always putting a steady pressure on that very sensitive little magic button of hers.

Her purrs changed to growls. The nails curled into the carpet. Her hips bucked. She was so close. He flicked and stabbed. She gave a guttural cry and then another little scream escaped.

With a little grin, Absinthe lifted his head, wiped his gleaming jaws on her thighs and then swatted her ass lightly. “Naughty, naughty, kiska. What did I say about screaming? Now you have to wait a very long time before your little pussy is satisfied. Still, you were so good for me, staying in that cold water all that time. You do deserve a reward.” Once again, he rubbed her firm cheeks, feeling the lovely shape of them, tracing the seam between them.

“Stay very still, kiska, and relax for me.”

He pulled the large jeweled chest he had out from under the coffee table and flipped it open. His heart accelerated. He couldn’t believe he was actually going to do this—that Scarlet was letting him and he was daring to take the chance. He lifted the tail from the box with great care. It was beautiful. Jeweled. Fiery red, to match her hair. The moment he’d laid eyes on Scarlet, he’d gone to Ice and together they’d drawn his visions out on paper. Ice was a genius when it came to jewelry. Every tail was different and the plug was progressively larger in size. The silky fur had glittering rubies strewn throughout, so whenever it moved, if the light hit it, the gems would gleam. The glass plug the tail was attached to was the same red as the actual rubies. He hadn’t told Ice about Scarlet at the time, but Ice had still worked tirelessly on the tails and collars for him because that was what brothers did when you asked them for favors.


