Dirty (RAW Family #2) Read Online Belle Aurora

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Bad Boy, BDSM, Dark, Erotic, Mafia, Romance Tags Authors: Series: RAW Family Series by Belle Aurora

Total pages in book: 145
Estimated words: 136731 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 684(@200wpm)___ 547(@250wpm)___ 456(@300wpm)

Dr. Maura’s face turns outraged, and she stands so fast that it amuses me. She points a trembling finger at me as she wears rage on her face for all to see. When she yells, “Shut your fucking mouth, you little bitch!” I know I’ve won.

Gasping at the realization that she’s just verbally abused a client, her eyes wide, she covers her mouth with a hand and rushes out of the room, a sob escaping her as she hurries past me.

I look around the empty office and rest back onto the sofa. “Was it something I said?” I take my purse and walk out of Dr. Maura Sternson’s office shaking my head and muttering, “And people think I’m fucked up.”

Four days have passed since my offer of cooperation to the San Francisco PD was made. And in that time, I’ve had a fight on my hands and points to prove.

Detective Deep-throat—aka Detective Jason Renley—has been on my ass every spare minute of his time, his threats laughable and cliché, trying his best to rough me up at my insinuation of his homosexuality.

Truth is, I knew the guy wasn’t gay, but for a dude who lived in a city of gay pride, I could scent his homophobia from miles away.

Best way to taunt a homophobe, as everyone knows, is to call him a fag.

And it seems he hasn’t forgiven me for it.

Imagine my surprise when Detective Renley threw me into a wall the day prior and moved to pitch his fist into my face when an unlikely champion had him down on his ass quick as lightning. Sergeant Dan Willem—the same sergeant who I asked if his wife plays with his asshole—got in the young man’s face and hissed out, “Chief says to stand down, boy, you stand down, hear me? Or do I need to bring you down a peg or two myself, Jason?”

Detective Renley’s face blazed a fiery red as he stood abruptly, getting close enough to the older man to show his irritation at the interruption without getting into his face about it.

The power struggle was thick in the air, tangible, but Detective Renley knew better than to disobey his superior and walked away without a word spoken.

Sergeant Dan Willem watched the younger man walk away and placed his hands on his hips, letting out a long sigh then turning to face me. “I’m not going to ask you if you’re okay, because quite frankly, I don’t give a shit if you are.” His cool green eyes assessed me. “But the chief wants you in one piece, so I’m going to make sure you stay that way.”

He waited a moment, blinking at me.

I didn’t get it. What the hell did he think was going to happen? That we’d have some witty exchange and become unlikely allies?


I wasn’t about to thank him. I wanted to knock his head in. “I don’t need a bodyguard.”

Sergeant Willem smiled coldly. “Seems you do, sunshine.”

He didn’t see the blow coming, and the immense satisfaction I felt when my foot connected with his knee, causing his legs to buckle, was like my own personal form of ecstasy. With a yelp, he hit the ground, and I didn’t look back as I moved to make my way to the chief’s office.

During the day, I’d been given free rein inside the bullpen, but at night, I was locked up in a cell, like a common criminal. These guys still had no idea who they were dealing with. If they did, they’d know there was nothing common about me. But I’d give them time to grasp the fact. They needed that time. I had no doubt it would be a shock for them to realize they harbored one of the most dangerous men in the world, and that man let some no-name po-po fucks lock him in a cell every night. I would humor them for as long as it took, but when push came to shove, I was no man’s bitch.

As I walked inside, the chief didn’t bother looking up from his paperwork. “We talked about this, Twitch.” With a shake of his head, he lifted his face and looked at me over the reading glasses perched on the tip of his nose. “Three days and you’ve made it your mission to injure almost every single one of my men and insult all of my female officers. When does it stop, Falco? You’re acting feral, and I have to tell you, it’s concerning.”

Having not stepped outside this building for days already, I was quick to respond with a light shrug. “Cage me like an animal, and suddenly I become one.”

“I can’t let you go, son.” He set his glasses down and shook his head gently. “You know I can’t.”

A harsh laugh was forced from me. “You think you could stop me?”


