Fandom (Famous #3) Read Online Eden Finley

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Famous Series by Eden Finley

Total pages in book: 90
Estimated words: 88218 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 441(@200wpm)___ 353(@250wpm)___ 294(@300wpm)

“No man but you. No one even came close to giving me what you do.”

I lift my head and thrust into his hand. “What do I give you?”


A swarm of them let loose inside me. “I’m familiar with that feeling.”

His wet lips skim my cheek. “Someone to belong to.”

I grip his shoulders as I thrust again. A little harder this time. “I get that. You’ve been on your own for most of your life.”

“But not with you. Never with you. You took me in as one of your family. You looked out for me. I knew if I ever needed anyone, you wouldn’t have hesitated. You were my first and only stop.”

“You’ve always been mine to protect like that.”

This time, Denver shudders against me.

“Let me touch you,” I say. “I want you to feel as amazing as I do.”

“Touch me,” Denver rasps. “Please. I need your hand, Mase.”

I reach between us, tentatively skimming my fingers down his hard cock that twitches in my hand.

“You don’t need to be gentle.” Denver’s sex voice turns me on even more.

I can do this. With direction and a little faked confidence, I can totally make my best friend come. It’s not weird, not weird at all. Okay, it’s a little weird, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it.

Denver deserves to be cherished and taken care of for once. He needs to not feel so alone.

I might’ve been lonely back in Montana, but I wasn’t alone. My family is my biggest support system. Denver has no one.

I’m dying to be that person for him, and that’s why I’m willing to put my nerves aside while I focus on his needs.

It’s how I can block out potential repercussions of us doing this, and there are many. Namely, Harley, Ryder, and Blake. Tabloids. The whole world would have something to say about this.

They think my weight was a big change for me? Wait until they find out how much I’m enjoying having Denver’s hand on my cock, or how much I love his body against mine. How much I want to suck on Denver’s tongue.

If anyone found out, it could be all over for both of us.

For me, it’s not a big deal. I know what it’s like to lose a career, and even though I want back in the game, I know I can live without fame. I can live without Hollywood.

I can’t live without Denver.

Not again.

Denver’s hips thrust, pushing his cock through my fist, while his grip on mine tightens, and he holds his breath while he strokes me from base to tip. The look on his face as he grits his teeth and fuses his eyes shut is hard to look away from. Veins in his neck pop out.

I can’t wait to watch him fall apart, but his hand is distracting me. He jerks me expertly just like he did last night, and it’s hard to concentrate let alone copy his movements, but I try.

It’s probably the sloppiest handjob known to man, but he doesn’t seem to care. He keeps whispering my name as if he can’t believe I’m actually here and this is happening. The breathy way he says “Mason” will be etched into my memory.

I glance down between us at our hands wrapped around each other’s cocks. The head of his dick is red and needy-looking, so I run my thumb over his slit and lick my lips, wondering what Denver would taste like.

Before I can build up the courage to ask or drop to my knees, he sucks in a sharp breath, his body stiffens, and then his cock erupts. I’m torn between lifting my head to see his face and watching as ropes of cum release from his dick.

His grip on me has become lazy and distracted, so I take over for him, moving my hips and fucking into his hand. My orgasm builds and builds, and my balls ache and tighten.

As soon as he stops convulsing, I release him and lift my fingers to my mouth. Denver watches me as I suck the heady, salty flavor down. It’s not as bad as I’m expecting, and if it makes Denver look at me like he is now—his eyes wide, his cheeks flushed—I’d happily drink him all up.

Then he pushes forward and crushes his mouth to mine, his tongue licking into my mouth, and I realize he can taste himself. That’s all it takes for me to spill into his hand.

My release hits me full force, and it takes all my strength to hold myself up.

Denver wraps his free arm around me and holds me close.

“Definitely going to shower more if that’s what’s going to happen,” he says.

“Your water bill is going to be insane.”

“Worth it.”

Chapter Nineteen


How is this real life? No really. How?

Mason Nash is on my couch, tablet in hand, just … sitting there and reading after an entire day and night of orgasms and spooning. His legs are casually crossed at the ankles like he’s made himself at home. In my house. With me.


