Fate of a Royal (Lords of Rathe #1) Read Online Meagan Brandy, Amo Jones

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors: , Series: Amo Jones
Series: Lords of Rathe Series by Meagan Brandy

Total pages in book: 99
Estimated words: 93354 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 467(@200wpm)___ 373(@250wpm)___ 311(@300wpm)

“Sin, beware…every time I see you right now, I want to knock your fucking teeth out.”

“Chill!” He throws his hands up. “We get it. She’s your mate.”

Fuck. He said it.

They see it.

My brows dip low and I shake my head.

“Not possible,” I say through clenched teeth.

Sinner’s head tips. “Bro—”

“It’s something else,” I cut him off. Has to be.

Much to my disgust, he continues to follow me through the school and out toward the catacombs. I need some fucking drugs to chill me out. Or just a full-blown blood party.

I like the latter better.

As if it wasn’t bad enough facing Sin right now, Creed suddenly appears at our side.

“Okay, let’s think…” Creed stops me before I can continue my venture.

My eyes flick between my two brothers. “This a fucking intervention?”

“Nah,” Creed says, shifting to his other foot. “It’s a party invite.”

“The Dungeon blew up.”

“Then it was fixed.” Creed waves his hands in front of him. He knows that’s not what I mean. He knows that I mean someone blew the fucking thing up and we still don’t know who.

All of our phones ding in our pockets and we take them out. I open the latest message and my stomach falls to the fucking ground. Fuck. I miss the days where we would never hear from any of our parents. Coming to this school was clearly a fucking mistake.

Mother: There’s been a breach.

“What is she fucking talking about?” Legend asks, bouncing a basketball with one hand and holding his phone with his other. The trail of girls behind him all stay their distance. “Maybe she’s lying.”

“Sure. About what?” I glare at him. “What could she possibly lie about just to get us on edge?”

Another message comes in.

Mother: We need all of you home. Something is happening and we need you safe.

Safe? Is she fucking insane? I hit call and bring my phone to my ear. “Mother?”

“Knight, please. You all must come back to Rathe immediately.” I look to Legend and then to Creed.

Mother doesn’t use the word please often, if ever.

“You saw something again?”

She pauses. “Yes. I did.”


When my brothers and I were a lot younger, a few hundred years ago, our mother once told us that she would never use her gift as a way to manipulate us. We believed her.

Until we were old enough to realize that Mother will always put Father first.

“I’ve gotta go.” I end the call and shove my phone back into my pocket.

“What’d she say?” Legend asks, watching me carefully while going back to bouncing the ball between his legs.

“She wants us home now.”

“The season’s in full fucking swing.” Creed frowns. “We can’t leave, Coach will lose his mind if he’s out one Lord, let alone all four. Why’s she freaking out?”

“Like always, she gave an order and nothing else. She’s hiding something. I can feel it.”

“Since when could you feel anything through a phone?” Sinner spits, still angry with me. “You a High Empath all of a sudden?”

I blink past Sin’s words. What the fuck is he talking about?

“We could fuck a Pixie? Take what we want and let her drown us in Fae dust?”

Legend nods in agreement, looking to me.

“Yeah.” My voice scratches and I swallow. “Let’s do that.”

I feel Creed poking at the block in my mind, but it’s lighter than normal, almost like the wind rolling over your cheeks in the city of Frost, featherlight and seemingly unthreatening even though you know there’s power in the air. I’ve been able to keep Creed out as long as I can remember. I’m sure he was stronger to penetrate my mind when I was little, but not now. Magic doesn’t wither with age; it grows like an unrelenting vine until eventually, it strangles you to death. I glance his way to find him scowling at me, but he faces forward when our eyes meet.

So my older brother realizes it too, how much harder he has to work to even attempt to slip through. I can’t let him in there now, not when I started the mating process without fucking realizing it.

As we reach the entrance to the catacombs, the blood suckers are already in party mode, Healers on standby while they prep their meals with persuasion and Mage-kissed elixirs.

The Pixie appears then, having wasted no time running to a royal’s call.

She stands maybe fifteen feet ahead, at the edge of the blue flames barricading in the feeding party, and without so much as moving a finger, the tie to her robe begins to unravel, the deep green silk falling to her feet the moment my feet plant themselves before her.

She’s completely naked with Sin circling her back. He whispers something in her ear and her head falls to the side.

My eyes slice to the creamy caramel slope of her neck, my tongue rolling across my lower lip as I trace her pulse, the thump, thump, thumping growing harsh the longer she waits for me to make a move. Or maybe it’s the way Legend’s hands have snuck their way between her thighs.


