Four in the Family – Numbers Game Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 31
Estimated words: 28826 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 144(@200wpm)___ 115(@250wpm)___ 96(@300wpm)

Oh shit, I’m in trouble. Before, it had been a question of ifs, ands, and maybes, but now that I’ve claimed the sweet girl, I know there’s no going back. Fuck. What have I gotten myself into?



“You can stop pretending,” my sister giggles, making me look up. Janine’s drying her hair while watching me with an amused grin. She must have just come in from the bathroom, but I didn’t even hear our bedroom door close. The tiny little towel that’s wrapped around her body barely covers her curves, but of course, my sister’s not embarrassed at all. She’d probably strut around the house naked if she could.

“What?” I ask, pretending not to understand. Of course, I’ve been staring at the same page in my book for who knows how long, not reading a single word.

“Come on,” my sister says rolling her eyes, “why don’t you tell me about it?”

“About what?” I feign, still trying to put her off.

“You losing your virginity to Jason!” she laughs. “What else? Congratulations, girl!”

I gawp at her for a moment before going into a panic.

“Shhh!” I hiss. “Mom and Dad will hear you!”

Janine merely shrugs, still patting at her hair.

“Harry and Joan are oblivious, you know that,” she giggles. “I mean, look at how much I’ve gotten away with.”

She has a point. Giving up on the book, I sit up. The movement causes a twinge in my pussy, making me wince a bit. But it’s a good twinge too, and I gasp with pleasure.

“Wow,” Janine whistles, “it was that good, huh?”

I tut dismissively at her intrusion of my thoughts.

“How do you even know what happened?” I ask her.

Janine rolls her eyes.

“You think you’re so sneaky, Emily, but you’re not. Anyways, the explanation’s simple: I forgot my phone this morning and didn’t realize until I was already at school,” she explains. “So I skipped first period to come home and get it, and goodness gracious me! Guess what I saw when I came in through the front door?”

I groan with embarrassment. Shit, I’ve been caught red handed and there’s no way to explain it away because Jason and I went at it for a good half hour, right there in the kitchen.

“Relax, it’s not a big deal,” Janine dismisses in a light tone.

“How much did you see?” I whisper.

She grins devilishly.

“I walked in through the front door and I saw you lowering yourself onto Jason’s cock,” Janine says without a shred of shame. “It was huge. Seriously, girl, you are a champion for taking that monster. But his brother is better endowed!” she adds. “Tucker is at least an inch longer, and he’s so fat that my pussy is sore for days afterwards sometimes. Not to mention my ass. Ooh!”

I roll my eyes.

“Thanks for the information. I needed that.”

My sister just shrugs again.

“You’re welcome, Emily. But seriously, I’m proud of you. What did it feel like? That was your first time, right?”

“It was,” I say hesitantly. “It hurt a little, but in a good way.”

“Don’t worry,” Janine says with an air of expertise. “There’s discomfort your first time, but it goes away. Then, it feels incredible.”

“It already feels incredible,” I murmur, blushing at the memory. Janine merely chortles happily.

“Did he make you come?” she asks like it’s no big deal. “You know, a lot of girls don’t come their first time because of the pain. Besides, I heard you scream but I thought maybe you were just laying it on thick, or maybe you’ve watched too much porn.” All I can do is blush and turn away, tongue-tied. I swear, this conversation is so embarrassing! My sister takes my lack of response as an affirmative and whistles again. “Oooh, Jason made you come, huh? You’re one lucky bitch because Tucker didn’t make me come until at least the third or fourth time we had sex. It was just too painful before that.”

I still can’t speak because this conversation is unreal. My sister’s giving me sex advice, and she’s not embarrassed at all. Then again, I guess it’s better to hear it from Janine than some stupid sex ed class.

“Anyways, I’m happy for you!” she continues, now toweling her body. “It’s about time because I thought you were going to be a virgin forever.”

Again, I roll my eyes.

“I’m eighteen, Janine, the same as you. We’re a little young to be called old maids.”

She shrugs.

“You never know. But yeah, now that the door’s been opened, you should really enjoy this. Explore doing more stuff with Jason. Especially with a cock as huge as his, imagine the fun you’ll have!”

“Janine!” I hiss again, shocked.

“What?” she feigns innocence. “Would you prefer to be a shriveled old lady that no one wants?” I don’t dignify that silly question with an answer, and my sister continues. “Besides, you’re in a good place, Emily. You lost your virginity to a super-hot older guy with a huge cock, who makes you come super-hard from being inside you for two seconds. Other women would kill to be in your shoes.”


