Four Tattoos – Four After Dark Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 61100 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 306(@200wpm)___ 244(@250wpm)___ 204(@300wpm)

He’s taken by surprise once again, and after a short pause, says, “Thank you.”

“My pleasure. Enjoy the rest of your day, Mr. Broderick.”

As I watch the older man make his way to the other counter for cream, I realize I’m almost as surprised by my actions as he was. I’d never even imagined having a confrontation with him like this, but somehow it just sprang out of me today, completely unplanned, but ultimately successful.

It occurs to me that my four tattoo artists would be proud of how I stood up for myself, and I have to wonder if it was their influence that led me to do it.

The shop gets so busy, with people stopping in for coffee and sweets to get them through an afternoon slump, that I nearly forget about being away too long earlier during my Brothers in Ink delivery.

I don’t forget about the men, of course—they’re never far from my mind—but I forget about my worries about Patrick and Nancy, until the shop empties out and Nancy takes me aside.

“Can I talk to you, Rose?”

My stomach instantly sinks to my feet.

“Sure. What’s up?” My attempt to sound casual fails miserably.

My sister-in-law-to-be has a serious expression on her face, and I know nothing good will follow. “I’m curious about what’s going on with you and your deliveries to the tattoo shop.”

“What do you mean?”

“I noticed before that your deliveries there would take longer than they should, and I didn’t think much of it at first, but there was a definite pattern, and today has convinced me that it wasn’t a coincidence. What’s going on?”

I consider creating some sort of fabrication. I could say I go shopping after my delivery, or detour to the beach, or take a break for some sort of frivolous activity. I’ve never been irresponsible, though, so I’m not sure Nancy would believe me, and I really don’t like lying to her.

As if she can read my indecision, she says gently, “You can tell me.”

It feels like an opportunity. It’s been frustrating to be so excited about seeing Hutch, Christian, Mace, and Zipper, and not tell anyone about it. After a moment's hesitation, my words rush out. “I’ve been seeing the men who own the shop.”

“Seeing them?”

I nod.

“Them, as in plural?”

I nod again. “Yes, there are four of them.”

Nancy’s eyes bulge out comically, but I’m feeling too much pride, excitement, and nerves to find her expression funny. “You’re seeing four men,” she clarifies. “What does that mean exactly?” Before I can answer, her tone changes to grave concern. “Are they hurting you, Rose?”

Now I do smile, and almost laugh as I shake my head. “No, no, it’s nothing like that. They’re good men, and they treat me really well. We’ve just been having fun together.”

Nancy’s brow lifts in a steep arch, and I hurry to add, “We go for walks on the beach, we’ve sketched together, and cooked together. They’ve made dinner for me several times.” I try to list everything we’ve done together that wasn’t sexual, but the list doesn’t seem that long, and that surprises me, because I’ve spent a lot of time with them, and it doesn’t seem like we have sex constantly, though that is my favorite thing to do with them.

Nancy’s still looking scandalized, so I add, “We talk a lot. They care about my life, and I care about theirs.” My tattoo comes to mind, but I don’t want to mention that, because it feels too personal.

She’s silent for several seconds before she asks, “Where do you see this headed? Are you in some sort of relationship with them?”

That’s a good question. I turn my attention to the cups on the counter and adjust the stacks so they’re even. “I don’t know,” I tell her finally. “I don’t think so. We’re just enjoying each other’s company.”

Nancy gives me a long look, her eyes seeking to read more from the expression on my face. Her tone is quieter when she says, “I don’t think your brother will like this.”

I bite my bottom lip. “Please don’t tell him.” Maybe I shouldn’t have told Nancy. Her response hasn’t been good, and that tells me Patrick’s reaction will be even worse. I want things to be out in the open, but I don’t want to create problems.

“He worries about you, Rose, you know? He wants what’s best for you.”

“I know,” I tell her. And I believe that, but does he always know what’s best? I know my brother isn’t trying to hold me back, but it feels that way sometimes.

“I think it might be best if you cut things off with them,” Nancy says. “I had some relationships like that before I met your brother. Not with four men, of course, but with men who were only looking to have fun. I told myself I’d just have fun, but I got hurt every time. We women are built differently. It’s hard for our hearts not to get involved.”


