Four Tattoos – Four After Dark Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 64
Estimated words: 61100 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 306(@200wpm)___ 244(@250wpm)___ 204(@300wpm)



Now that the last guests have left the building, there’s not much for me to do besides watch Juliana as she closes out the system. It’s my last night working at Club Red, and Juliana is ready to fully step into my shoes.

“The desk is organized, and the report is ready for Brittany,” she says.


She’s been doing a great job, aside from a lot of head swiveling whenever one of the dancers passes through the lobby, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Some of the performers seem to be making extra trips past us lately, so I suspect the admiration goes both ways.

I’m surprised that Callie hasn’t come out to say goodbye yet, even though we already have plans to get together for lunch next weekend. When I head toward the showroom in search of her, Brittany calls my name from the other hall. “Can you come into the breakroom, Rose?”

I do as requested, Juliana following closely behind me, and as I turn into the room, there’s a loud cry of, “Surprise!”

Callie, along with several other servers, Brittany, Duke, and even a few of the dancers surround a table holding a large cake.

“You did this for me?”

“Of course! We’ll miss you, Rose,” Callie says, a sentiment echoed by several of the others.

I hug her and Brittany, and various conversations start up around us as Juliana cuts the cake, plates the pieces, and distributes them, first to me, and then everyone else.

I’m going to miss it here, but even though I’ve been feeling more like myself these days, there’s no way I can continue to work all of the hours I was working.

“To Rose!” Callie cheers, raising a cup filled with sparkling apple juice. “Off to be a wifey!”

“I’m not getting married,” I say with a laugh.

“I know, but those men would have you at the altar in a second if they could,” Callie says. “If marriages to four men were legal.”

Brittany taps the edge of her cup to mine with a hopeful smile. “Someday.”

We eat and drink our celebratory apple juice, and little by little, most of the men filter out of the room after getting their fill of both cake and our talk of polyamory and polyandry.

“I’ve always wanted to ask,” Juliana says, “how did you meet your guys?”

I happily share the story of my first coffee shop delivery to Brothers in Ink, and my instant attraction to the men despite my feeling that we were from different worlds. I tell her how grumpy the men were, how it seemed that they barely wanted to acknowledge me, and how they practically snarled at me.

“Now, they massage my feet, they cook for me, they shopped for prenatal vitamins, and they even found an obstetrician and accompanied me to my first appointment.”

“They all went to the appointment?” Brittany asks.

“They weren’t all allowed to go into the exam room, but they’re planning to take turns going to future appointments, so they can all learn about helping me through the pregnancy and the delivery. I’d have never pictured them doing any of this when I first met them.”

They’re honestly the most caring, thoughtful men I’ve ever known and could ever imagine, but I keep this part to myself, since Callie and Juliana aren’t currently in relationships and I don’t want to sound like I’m bragging.

“I’m so happy for you,” Callie says, “but you have to stop telling me how perfect your men are. My skin is about to turn green from so much envy.”

I give my friend’s shoulders a squeeze. “I know you’ll find someone just as perfect for you. It can happen when you least expect it.”



I’m not nervous.

I don’t get nervous.

I’m really fucking nervous.

For Rose’s sake, I hide the fact that my palms are sweaty and my heart is pounding like a drum solo.

Excitement is part of the reason for my symptoms, but I’m also worried about Rose and the baby. I don’t want Rose to feel any pain, and I don’t want there to be any complications.

The nurses have assured us multiple times that everything is going smoothly, but Rose is definitely restless, and she’s nervous herself, and it’s killing me that there’s nothing we can do to help her through this other than hold her hand and try to make her as comfortable as possible.

At least the hospital agreed to let us all in the delivery room. As hard as this is, it would have been excruciating to have to pace around the waiting room and wait for updates.

“Want more water?” Christian asks, offering the cup to her.

She nods and takes a sip as Hutch wipes her forehead. “Can you put some music on?” she says to no one in particular.

“What do you want to listen to?” Mace asks.

“Store soundtrack,” she says, sounding like it’s hard for her to get the words out.


