Good Enough (Meet Me in Montana #3) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Meet Me in Montana Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 127
Estimated words: 120708 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 604(@200wpm)___ 483(@250wpm)___ 402(@300wpm)

“Dirk, thank you so much. I didn’t even see that patch of ice.” My voice was unsteady from almost falling and busting my ass.

He winked. “It’s hard to see it sometimes. Just don’t go running around like that in the winter, and you’ll be fine.”

I laughed and was surprised at how nervous it sounded. I wasn’t the least bit attracted to Dirk. “How’s the bull riding going?” I asked.

He grinned so wide I returned one of my own. “You’re looking at the world champion.”

I gasped. “That’s amazing, Dirk! Congratulations.”

He tipped his cowboy hat at me. “It took Brock retiring for me to get my spot, so I’ll gladly take it.”

“I told Ty and Brock we needed to celebrate!” Kaylee said from next to me. Dirk gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek before he looked her over. He lifted a brow and she winked at him. I couldn’t help but notice the interaction between the two of them. Kaylee had told me Dirk was one of her closest and dearest friends. She even called him her male version of Lincoln, which said a lot considering Kaylee had known Dirk for not even two years. Looking at the way the two of them acted, you could see the friendship there. He adored her, but not in a sexual kind of way. She was a like a sister to him. But then, Dirk seemed to adore Lincoln as well, yet he had that sisterly connection with Kaylee.

“Look at you, you’re beautiful,” Dirk said to Kaylee.

“And still my wife, so get your paws off of her, Littlewood,” Ty shouted.

Dirk tossed his head back and laughed as Ty and Brock approached us. “Christ Almighty, if it isn’t the oldest Shaw brothers.”

There was a round of handshakes and quick bro hugs with hard back slaps. What was it about these men and the back slapping?

“You’re looking good. How have things been?” Brock asked.

“Busy. I shot a few commercials this past weekend,” Dirk said. “That shit is a lot crazier with a championship under your belt.”

Both Ty and Brock laughed because they knew what it was like, both being previous PBR world champions themselves.

Ty walked up to Kaylee and kissed her on the lips, then whispered something into her ear. I loved seeing her cheeks blush ever so slightly, but a small pang of jealousy ripped through me, shocking me for the briefest of moments.

I focused my attention back on Brock and Dirk who were talking about bulls or something. My mind drifted off once more as I tried to think of warm things to keep my body from freezing. Then Brock said something that caused me to jerk my head up and focus on his conversation with Dirk. “I haven’t seen him at all this morning, Dad said he’s not even sure he came home.”

Dirk nodded. “I saw him at the Blue Moose last night. He was on his way to getting pretty wasted. One of his friends was having some sort of party or something. Lindsey Johnson was hanging all over him, but he didn’t seem the least bit interested in her. I can’t tell you how many times he peeled her arms off of him.”

My heart fell to my stomach, but at least Tanner hadn’t been interested in Lindsey. “Tanner didn’t come home last night?” I heard myself asking. That caused both Dirk and Brock to look at me. Brock nodded, but Dirk smiled as if he knew something no one else did.

“We need to get going, y’all. I’ve got an appointment and we can’t be late,” Kaylee said.

Dirk reached for my hand and removed the glove, then placed a kiss on top. I rolled my eyes as he winked.

“Oh, how I will miss you, Ms. Holden. If you haven’t noticed, I have a fondness for the women in your family.” He waggled his brows dramatically, and I couldn’t help but laugh, knowing he was only kidding.

“I had noticed, yes.”

He flashed me a sinful smile. “Hopefully that doesn’t scare you away.”

“If she’s smart, it will.” That voice.

Dirk’s smile turned into a full-blown grin, as if he had planned this whole scene to happen. I jerked my eyes away from Dirk to see Tanner standing there. My breath was nearly stolen once again, and this time the cold air had nothing to do with it. I was hot all over, and the memory of his hands on me caused my body to tremble and my cheeks to burn.

Dirk stepped closer to me, leaned down and whispered so only I could hear him. “I fear I’m too late to win your heart, ma’am.”

I turned and looked at him. He was teasing, and I knew what his main objective was with the whisper…agitate Tanner at all costs. Well, two could play at that game. With a sinful smile of my own, I whispered back, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, sir.”


