Hate to Love You Read Online Books Tijan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Drama, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 117
Estimated words: 112951 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 565(@200wpm)___ 452(@250wpm)___ 377(@300wpm)

It worked.

Sensations trailed behind them until he tossed it to the floor, as well. His mouth moved from my lips—licking, tasting, nipping down my throat and between my breasts until he caught one of them in his mouth.

A deep groan ripped from me.

I was holding on to every touch and taste from him. His tongue swirled around my nipple.

I almost lost it, wanting to grab his hair again.

“Hmmm, no.” He sensed my thoughts and caught my hands. He pinned them down by my head, kissing and lavishing over my breast. “You don’t get to distract me.”

I laughed, the sound weak even to my ears. “You’re killing me.”

“Goddamn, not enough.” A low growl emitted from him, and I felt his teeth scrape over my nipple.

My back surged up, arching and pressing against him. He chuckled, but moved back down with me when I rested on the bed again. “Shay.” A half-growl from me. I began moving against him, locking my legs around his waist. We both had our jeans on, but I was wondering why. I ground against him, trying to evoke a response where he’d put us both out of our misery.

He laughed, his breath coating my breast. “You can keep it up, Princess. I’m still going to worship you.”


I groaned. I wasn’t one for cute nicknames, but that one worked, and my ache just took on a whole other level.

I was growing more and more desperate. I could feel him. He was rock-hard and pressing against me. Lower his jeans, move aside his boxer briefs, pull my jeans and underwear down, and I could get him to sink into me. He was straining there, pressing right where I wanted him, but it was as if he wasn’t aware of his own needs. He moved to my other breast, catching it in his mouth, and his tongue and teeth assaulted me all over again.

“Shay.” I groaned, arching my neck up. A whimper left me.

A guttural scream was building in my throat. I felt it coming. It was going to tear free, and everyone downstairs would know what we were doing.


He laughed, finally releasing my hand as his fingers stroked over my stomach. I trembled there, right under his palm, and he moved, so agonizingly slow, slipping one finger under my jeans. Then the other. A third finger. He moved them back and forth, tracing circles. It was torture, pure and simple.

“If you don’t do something with those fingers, I’m going to—” I was panting, lifting my head to look him in the eye.

He was smirking. He was so damned cocky, but I saw a wildness in there, too. It was laying on the outside edges, as if he was holding that back. I couldn’t endure this much longer. The need to touch him back was growing in me, threatening to overcome any control I might’ve still had.

I slipped my hands from his, pushing up against him.

We rolled, and I was on top this time. I straddled him, gazing down at his perfect features. My legs were snug against his, but I sank farther down, feeling him rising up into me. He wanted inside me as much as I did, and my fingers went to his jeans. I toyed with the button and zipper.

His ice-blue eyes were nearly black as he watched me. “You’re going to play with me now?”

“Maybe.” I bit down on my lip to keep my own cocky smile from showing. I got it. I did. The control, the power . . . they were addicting. I could ride him how I wanted. I could play with him how I wanted. I could exact my own torture, and I started by undoing his jeans and reaching inside for him. My hand wrapped around him, and I tightened my hold just a bit, enough to give him a slight vise-like hold, then slowly, I began to move up and down.

His nostrils flared. He let out a hissing breath. It was the control again. He was losing his as I gained mine.

“Fucking hell, Kenned—”

I dipped down, my lips catching his in a kiss.

This kiss was different. He opened up beneath me, but he was taking over the kiss. Another whimper left me, and I was helpless from pulling away from him. As I continued moving my hand over him, going slow, his kiss grew rougher. I paused, dipped my thumb over his tip, and he caught me under the arms. A savage growl erupted from him, lifting me in the air.

He flipped me over, coming down, and he didn’t pause.

My jeans were ripped away. His were flung off, and he was in me.

I had a second’s notice, and he was in there. I gasped from the force, but I was trembling. I was shaking. I was needing more. He didn’t wait for me to get used to him. He began thrusting. He went hard and deep and rough, and I was coming apart in his arms.


