His Hart’s Command Read Online A.E. Via (Nothing Special #6)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 86431 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 432(@200wpm)___ 346(@250wpm)___ 288(@300wpm)

“Let me make love to you,” Hart said.

Free reached over and handed him the lube. “I might need some help.”

Free turned his head shyly, “It’s been a while since I trusted someone enough to bottom. A very long while.”

Hart swallowed visibly. “Okay. I just need you tell me if I do something wrong.”

“Impossible.” Free spread his legs wider, starting to thrust lightly. “I’ll show you.”

Hart sat up so he could watch as Free slicked a couple of fingers. With his long, tan legs pulled high, and one hand cupping his balls, Free smoothing a slippery digit over his hole before slowly pushing it inside. Hart felt his cock leak at the same time Free’s did.

“Oh my god,” Hart breathed.

“Mmmm,” Free moaned, shallowly pumping his finger in and out. “Like this.”

Hart became hypnotized by the movements. Free massaged his balls, arching and hissing as he added his middle finger. “Can I do it?”

“Yes.” Free slid his fingers out and started stroking himself.

Hart added some of the greasy liquid to his fingers and rubbed them around exactly as Free had. He paid careful attention to what he was doing, gently inching one of Free’s legs up to his chest. The moment he touched Free’s hole, it pulsed and trembled beneath his touch, making him groan at the ache of wanting his dick inside. He slid his forefinger in to the first knuckle, his eyes narrowing at the extreme tightness. Oh my fuckin…

“Yeah. Just like that. More,” Free urged.

Hart pushed his finger in all the way, feeling Free’s ass suck and pull at it as he attempted to ease it out. He squeezed the base of his own dick. He had a wet spot on the bed where his cock hung, engorged and sore, dripping. Free was working his dick in long, lazy strokes while Hart fingered him. Free’s toes curled when he begged Hart to add another.

“Your fingers are huge,” Free moaned after a while.

“Am I hurting you?” Hart paused.

“No,” Free said. “It feels good. I’m ready.”

“Are you sure?” Hart hadn’t been down there that long. He’d worked in two fingers comfortably but he thought he’d have to use more. Free was writhing and bucking back onto his hand while fucking his fist. It was all so much more than he expected. Free wasn’t holding back, so neither was he.

Shit. Hart’s balls rose impossibly high up to his body.

“Mmm. I’m past ready. Come on. Turn over so I can get on top. I think it’ll be easier,” Free suggested.

“Okay,” Hart said calmly, but he was already two seconds from blowing. He didn’t think they’d be in various positions their first time. He was only used to missionary. Free wanted to ride him right out of the gate. Now, he was going to have lay there and stare at Free’s beautifully-toned, glistening, hot body moving on top of him, making him feel things he’d never felt before. How was he going to make it past two minutes? Hart rolled over until he was on his back. The moment Free climbed on top of him…he knew he was a goner.

He paused when Free did, waiting on him to continue leading.

“I have condoms, but…I wasn’t sure if you wanted to use them.” Free’s voice was low and thoughtful. “I’m clean and I’ve always been safe. I’ve never even had a cold sore. I was tested for my physical with the police department. I can show you if you want?”

Hart was quiet while Free rambled. It touched him that Free wanted to make sure they were safe and responsible first, no matter how badly he wanted to dive inside him. He was glad one of them was still thinking clearly because all he wanted to do was make love. He touched Free’s cheek. “Thank you. And I believe you. I’m clean too. Always have been. I haven’t been with anyone since my last testing.”

“So, you’re good not using them?” Free asked softly. “I trust you, completely.”

“Yes.” He was quiet while Free poured more lube onto his fingers and reached behind him. Next, he added a layer of slick to his cock and positioned himself over the top of it. Free braced one hand next to Hart’s head, with the other, he steadied the base of his dick and aimed it toward his hole. Their eyes met as Free started to sink down onto him. He wanted to watch his length disappear inch by inch, but that’d be for another time. Right now, he needed to keep their contact. Free’s forehead was creased with concentration the farther he took him.

The muscles in his thighs flexed when Free finally sat over his groin. His cock buried so deep in his tight ass, Hart could do nothing but gape and clench Free’s waist. His pulse beat strongly at the pleasure. It wasn’t supposed to be this amazing. He’d missed all this, his entire life. What was he supposed to do with all these feelings? Free’s body shook, his leg muscles tensing as he adjusted and got comfortable. Even that was torture.


