Inescapable Read Online Natasha Anders

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 140
Estimated words: 132649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 663(@200wpm)___ 531(@250wpm)___ 442(@300wpm)

It was only when the car slowed down and slid to a stop that she was dragged from her all-encompassing sorrow, and was reminded that she wasn’t alone in the car. That there was a witness to her humiliation and devastation. The privacy shield wasn’t even in place and her eyes lifted to meet a pair of concerned green eyes in the rearview mirror.


Iris hadn’t even noticed that he’d stayed with her. She’d assumed that she’d been bundled over to a stranger. That Chance would remain with Trystan who was, after all, his principal and thus his priority. The original driver of this car must have traded spots with Chance because the Australian was the only person in the vehicle with her.

She shifted her eyes away from his, reaching for the door handle, wanting to get out of this car and away from the memory of these few brief weeks with Trystan when she comprehended that they weren’t anywhere near her home.

“Where are we?”

“Gunnersbury Park.” His reply was succinct and baffling.

“What? Why?”

“I wasn’t sure where you wanted me to take you.” He extended a blue linen square toward her, and she blinked at the handkerchief for a moment before taking it from him with a muttered thanks and dabbing at her wet cheeks self-consciously.

“There now. Give your nose a good blow, and take a deep breath. You’ll feel better,” he said, his low and sympathetic voice merely causing her tears to well again. He had turned in his seat to look at her and she hated the gleam of pity she was sure she’d spotted in his eyes.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, taking that deep breath, and was even more embarrassed when it hitched on a sob.

“That’s okay. You’re having a day.”

“I didn’t do it. I know you don’t know me, but I didn’t write that article.” It was pathetic, this need she had to justify herself, to clear her name.

She knew she was blameless, and the knowledge of her own lack of wrongdoing should be enough for her. But Trystan’s instant rejection of her truth had sparked this deep sense of injustice, outrage and betrayal in her. Along with this pathological overwhelming need to convince the world of her innocence.

“It’s not my place to comment, ma’am. I’m just the driver.”

Her chin quivered and she pursed her lips as she fought to scrape together some semblance of pride and self-control. She nodded, and blew her nose. Her face felt hot and swollen from the tears, her throat raw from the suppressed sobs. Her stomach was in turmoil and her head pounding.

“Right. Of course,” she whispered. “You need my address.”

“I have your address,” he corrected. “Your parents’ address as well, in Southfields. I’m not sure if you want to be with your family, or if you prefer to return to your flat.”

How thoughtful of him.

“I’m an absolute mess. I don’t want my parents to see me like this,” she said, twisting the now-damp handkerchief in her hands.

“The flat then?”

She nodded.

He hesitated and looked conflicted for a second before saying, “I live in Hammersmith—Baron’s Court—and I’m headed home straight after dropping you. I have a few days off after my extended stay out of the country.”

Iris studied his rugged face in confusion, not sure why he was telling her this.

His broad shoulders shifted uncomfortably and his cheeks went ruddy.

“You could stay with me.”

The offer flabbergasted her. She wasn’t sure what to make of it, at all. She’d literally just met this man. Why on Earth would he invite her to stay with him? She didn’t think he was attracted to her. That wasn’t the vibe she was getting at all. But why else would he⁠—

“They won’t find you there.” His words jerked her from her thoughts, confusing her even further.


“Miss Hughes⁠—”


“Uhm… Iris, I don’t think you quite comprehend the shitstorm that’s waiting for you. And he retracted your protection. So you won’t have any kind of buffer to help you through this.”

“He… Trystan, you mean?”

He nodded curtly, his jaw tensing as if he were biting back his words.

“As you know, before we left Cape Town, he arranged with Brand to have a protective detail assigned to you. He cancelled that arrangement after learning about the article. After I drop you at home, I’m afraid you’re on your own.”

“I see.” The words were a choked whisper and Iris averted her eyes to her lap, staring at her restless hands, which were still twisting and twisting the damp blue handkerchief. “Thank you so much for the offer, Chance. But I’d really rather go home. They won’t be interested in me for long. Trystan is the big fish. He’s the one whose reputation is at risk. That’s why he feels so betrayed.”

She was making excuses for Trystan. She knew it. And felt pathetic because of it. But she also recognized just how bad this could—and likely would—get for him. He’d been wrong to instantly believe the worst about her. But she could understand his point of view. She hadn’t read the article in its entirety but she’d seen enough to comprehend just how damaging it was.


