Iron Rings – Rossi Crime Family Read Online B.B. Hamel

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, Crime, MC Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 93
Estimated words: 91238 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 456(@200wpm)___ 365(@250wpm)___ 304(@300wpm)

Which sends a jolt of surprise into my core.

Really? I want Gian like that?

“That’s good, right?” I try to cover my discomfort over that little revelation. “Better than the alternative.”

“I almost want loud,” Carlo says, cutting into the conversation. “Kill a few Russians, hang a few Irishmen, get this shit over with.”

“He’s got a point,” Saul agrees. “A fast but bloody end would be preferable to this long, drawn-out stalemate.”

“That’s what my father’s supposed to help with, right?” I look around at the table and get only skeptical frowns.

“So far, your father has been less than forthcoming,” Renzo admits. “Our family is at the heart of the war, and he hasn’t exactly been excited about diving in.”

I glance at Gian. “But you’re building an alliance, right?”

“We’re working on it.” Renzo doesn’t sound like that’s really happening.

I shift in my chair and sit up straight. “If my father’s not upholding his end of the bargain⁠—”

“It’s okay,” Renzo says, eyebrows raised at my distress. “He has good reason to hold back. I’m letting it happen while he gets over the very unorthodox manner in which our two families found themselves united. Though I’ll admit, a baby would go a long way toward helping.”

“Uh, baby, I don’t know⁠—”

“Oh, wow, look at her cheeks,” Carlo says. “She’s turning pink.”

“Seriously, is her head about to explode?” Saul laughs, leaning forward. “You okay, Allegra?”

Gian’s grinning at me. “Why do you look so embarrassed, babe?”

“No reason.” I glare at them. “Can we not talk about having children? We just got married.”

Maddie laughs and pats her husband’s cheek. “That’s the mafia in them. You’re a woman which means you better start reproducing. Could you guys stop being old-school pigs for once?”

“I wish,” Renzo grumbles. “But no.”

“Don’t worry, boys. We’re working on it.” Gian’s beaming proudly.

“What? Hold on, we are not.”

“That’s my guy,” Carlo says, fist-bumping Gian. “Banging his wife.”

“Oh my god.” I stare around them in horror. “Please stop.”

“Nothing wrong with a little sexual intercourse within a monogamous marriage,” Saul says, swirling his glass with an approving nod.

“I wish I would explode,” I whisper.

“Okay, enough,” Maddie says, coming to my defense, and I’m saved as a couple of staff members begin bringing out the food.

That mortifying conversation aside, the meal is good and the guys are actually pretty funny to be around. They banter and argue like brothers, but it’s obvious they care about each other. Renzo’s a bit aloof, since he’s the Don, and Saul’s obviously the most responsible one. Carlo’s got a wild stream, while Gian’s more reserved. But they fit together and even enjoy a bunch of inside jokes and stories from their childhood that I can only half follow. It helps that the food’s really good and my wine glass is magically never empty.

When the meal’s over, I find myself strolling through the garden with Maddie. There are lights all along the path and more shining among the flowers, giving the whole thing an otherworldly vibe. As we come around a corner, there’s a firepit already crackling with flames.

“You seem like you and Gian get along really well.” Maddie stands close to the fire, holding her palms out. It’s a comfortable night, but the heat feels good.

“We have history,” I admit.

“I kind of figured. You guys just have that sort of chemistry, you know?”

“Really? You could tell? I mean, can anyone else?”

She laughs, shaking he head. “That’s a secret, huh? Don’t worry. I won’t tell. Renzo’s totally oblivious and Saul’s too busy playing with his new little Vegas toy to notice a detail like that. And Carlo only ever notices Carlo.”

I chew on my lip, considering what to tell her. It’s been hard, going through this strange new relationship with Gian, but not having anyone to talk about it with.

“We were together in college.” I speak very softly, afraid someone might overhear. “Nobody knows. I don’t even know why we hide it anymore since it’s been so long. But yeah. We have history.”

Her smile is teasing as she takes a sip of her wine. “What he told Renzo is true then? You two really are in love?”

I cough and she laughs at me. “I don’t, uh⁠—”

“It’s fine. Renzo figured you guys had some other reason he didn’t know about, but maybe it really is just love. That’d be nice, wouldn’t it?” She looks back at the fire, her smile turning wistful. “These guys get so little of that in their lives. Has Gian ever talked about his father?”

“Not really,” I admit. “From what I know about the old Don Rossi, he was a tough person.”

“Ask him sometime. Maybe he’ll tell you what it was like. Then you throw in their poor mother on top of everything, and it’s no wonder they’re all a bunch of emotionally repressed psychos.”

“Not exactly a ringing endorsement.”

“No, I know, but how about this. Gian looks at you the way Renzo looks at me. That’s nice, right?”


