Just Getting Started – Fair Lakes Read online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 98211 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 491(@200wpm)___ 393(@250wpm)___ 327(@300wpm)

“Colt.” He glances up at me. “Hand me the envelope.” His arm stretches out and I take it from his hands. Sliding my finger under the flap, I break the seal and pull out the single sheet of paper. My eyes scan until I reach the part that says he’s a 99.9 percent match.

“Damn it, Chase. What does it say?” he says, running his fingers through his hair.

“If you were so eager, you should have opened it yourself,” I goad.

“Hey,” my beautiful fiancée says, entering the room. Milo is in her arms. She watched him while Colt and I ran to the lab to pick up the results.

“Hey, baby.” I snake my arm out and pull her in close. “Look what I have.” I show her the piece of paper.

Her eyes scan it and I know from the way her face lights up, she’s got to the actual result. “Colton, congratulations, Daddy.” Stepping out of my arms, she walks toward my brother and hands him his son. “Go to Daddy,” she says, her voice cracking.

“He’s mine?” Colt asks. There’s awe in his voice. Like he can’t truly believe the tiny human in his arms is his.

“He gets his looks from his Uncle Chase. Lucky little guy,” I tease.

“Hey, buddy,” Colton whispers softly. “Daddy loves you.”

I like to think I’m a man’s man. You know, not overly emotional, watching sports and drinking beer kind of man. However, when I hear my big brother tell his son—this tiny little man who has also stolen my heart—that he loves him, not gonna lie, I have to swallow back my own emotions.

Colt looks up with tears in his eyes. “Thank you.” He lifts Milo and places a kiss on the top of his head. “Thank you for taking such great care of him. For helping me learn, for guiding me. I want to do right by him.” He stares down at his son with wonder in his eyes.

“Congratulations, brother,” I choke out. Gabby comes to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hold her close as excitement builds for the family we’re creating.

“You too. It’s pretty cool that our kids are going to be able to grow up together.”

“What’s next?” I ask him.

“I started my discharge process today.”

“Really?” I ask, surprised. “I thought you were going to wait until you got the results.” Our kids are going to grow up together, and that’s something I never thought would happen. Colt was married to the military, a lifer, and now this tiny little human has brought him home. Milo is our miracle in more ways than one.

“I was, but I felt it, you know? I felt that he was mine, and you were a 25 percent match, so he had to be, right? Besides, seeing you all domesticated reminded me about all I’ve been missing out on. I’ve served my country, but now I want time for me. I want to raise my son, maybe find a nice woman and settle down.”

“Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” I ask, truly shocked at his revelation.

“You two make it look easy.”

“That’s because I’m awesome,” Gabby quips.

Colt chuckles. “You’ve certainly met your match, Chase.”

“Don’t I know it.” I smile down at Gabby. “You’re welcome here as long as you want. I know it’s overwhelming with a new baby. Maybe get into a routine before you start looking for a place.”

“I don’t want to impose.”

“You’re not,” Gabby speaks up. “We want you here. We’ll help you through the transition. We had each other, and it’s hard. There’s no reason for you to do it all on your own.”

“Thanks.” He nods. “For a little while maybe. I want to get through all this discharge stuff, find a job, and then I’ll look for a place. If you guys are positive it’s okay to stay a little while.”

“Positive,” Gabby and I say at the same time.

Colt nods. “Thank you. For everything.”

“We’re family,” Gabby says confidently, and I want to kiss the hell out of her for it.

“We are.” Colt looks up at us and smiles. “I’m going to try bath time on my own tonight. You guys are going to be here, right?” he asks.

“Yes. Just yell if you need us.” With that, he gives another nod and walks out of the kitchen.

“So, what smells so good?” I ask Gabby, pulling her close to my chest. I can never seem to have her close enough.

“It’s chicken and rice casserole.”

“Is that the same stuff Gwen makes?” I ask as my stomach grumbles, just at the thought.

“Yep. It’s ready if you’re hungry now or we can wait on Colton?”

“Now. He can eat when he’s ready. Besides, who knows how long bath time is going to take.”

“Chase,” she scolds playfully. “That’s your big brother. You were the same way if I recall.”


