Little Bits of Daddy – Montana Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 98
Estimated words: 95756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 479(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

Or she wouldn’t have spoken out loud. Maybe. She had a bit of a habit of blurting out whatever she was thinking.

It could be embarrassing as hell.

“I’m Linc.” The big cowboy held out his hand for her to shake. “We haven’t been officially introduced. Thought you might be overwhelmed with new names and faces so figured I’d wait a bit.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Gigi. But then I guess you knew that, right? Since I’m the one who’s just moved here. Not like my accent didn’t give me away.” She felt herself blushing at her rambling. “I’m going to be quiet now.”

His smile widened. “You’re all right, sweetheart.” He looked her over. “Nice boots.”

She smiled down at her cute cowgirl boots. “Thank you.”

He frowned at her hands. “But where are your gloves? Your hands are freezing. And where’s your jacket?”

“Oh. They’re in here.” She pointed down at her backpack.

“Not going to do much good in there, sweetheart,” he lightly scolded.

“Yeah. I guess. I had them on, but I got warm on the walk over here so I took them off and then I got, uhh, distracted.” By the sight of her man on a horse. And it was a damn good one.

“Rambling again, Gigi,” she muttered.

“Ramble away, sweetheart,” he told her warmly.

“Sorry. I tend to blurt stuff out.”

“It’s cute.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s what Macca says.”

“Ah, speaking of the man, here comes your sexy cowboy.”

She glanced over to find Macca riding towards them. He’d taken his horse out for a few minutes to let him burn off some energy before coming back to get her.

Now she was grateful for her cool hands as she placed them on her hot cheeks. “Can’t believe you heard that.”

Linc laughed. “I just wish I could find someone who thinks that way about me.”

“Oh, I’m sure you won’t have a problem.” He was a good-looking guy. And he seemed really nice. She couldn’t believe he hadn’t been snatched up.

“Thanks, sweetheart.” He smiled sadly.

She wondered if Linc was a Daddy Dom like Macca and many of the other men who lived on Sanctuary.

“Hey, Linc, how’s it going?” Macca asked as he came up next to them.

“Good. Just introducing myself to your girl here.”

Macca swung down off the enormous, dark brown horse. Now that it was next to her, she could see how freaking huge the beast was. Someone else led out a much smaller horse, that was dappled brown and white. This horse looked decidedly more her size.

“Thanks, Quint,” Macca said to the other man. He just nodded at them all before walking away, leaving the smaller horse there. She guessed this was her ride then.

Macca slipped his arm around her waist. “I’m taking Gigi for a ride. She’s never been on a horse before.”

Linc’s eyes widened. “Never?”

She shook her head, bouncing on her toes. “No and I’m so excited.”

Macca gave her a grin, hugging her tight.

“Well, we can see about arranging some lessons for you if you want to learn to ride,” Linc told her.

“Really? That would be awesome!”

“Meg is a good horse to start off on.” He nodded at the smaller horse. “She’s used to beginners and she’ll follow Beast’s lead.”

“Your horse’s name is Beast?” she asked Macca.

“Yep.” He gave Beast a firm pat. “He’s stubborn and temperamental and when I first got him, he spent most of his time trying to bite me.”

She looked down at the horse’s big teeth as he munched on a patch of grass. “Ouch.”

“Some of the other Littles don’t know how to ride either,” Linc told her. “Maybe we could do some lessons for you all.”

“That would be amazing. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, sweetheart. I better get back to work now. Nice to meet you. Oh, and make sure you put those gloves and jacket on. Got to keep warm or you’ll get sick.” He turned to Macca. “You’re a lucky bastard.”

“I know.”

Linc walked away and she turned to wrap her arm around Macca’s middle. “Hi there, cowboy.”

“Well, hello there, little lady,” he said in a slow drawl. “How would you like to come for a ride on my handsome stallion?”

“Are we talking about the horse or something else?” She waggled her eyebrows.

He let out a loud bark of laughter. “Are you calling me a stallion?”

“The Australian stallion?”

He grinned. “I think that’s the Italian stallion, sweet pea.”

She giggled. Then she looked up at Beast. “Umm, I think I’ll start small and work my way up.”

“Good plan. I promise, Meg is as sweet as a horse can get. She’ll follow Beast’s lead, but we’re also going to go through the basics before we start out.”

“I’m so excited.” She clapped her hands together.

“Now, I know you had gloves on when we left the cabin. And a jacket.”

“I got hot after the walk here. The sun is out. And you’re not wearing a jacket.”


