Little Bits of Daddy – Montana Daddies Read Online Laylah Roberts

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 98
Estimated words: 95756 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 479(@200wpm)___ 383(@250wpm)___ 319(@300wpm)

Since she was such a good girl, she immediately went off to sleep.


Gigi felt like crap.

Her throat was burning. She had a headache and her nose was all stuffed up.

She groaned and rolled over in bed, snuggling in under the covers.

“Gigi, hey, wake up baby. I’ve made you some coffee.”

He was so sweet, bringing her coffee in bed. She just wished she could drink it without feeling like she was swallowing razorblades. She didn’t move the blankets, hoping he’d think she was still asleep. Then maybe she could sleep off this cold.

Please let it just go away.

“Gigi. Baby, you okay?” The covers were ripped away from her. She groaned but didn’t open her eyes. “Gigi? What’s going on? Aren’t you feeling well?” A large hand was placed over her forehead. “Oh hell, baby. You’re burning up.”

“It’s just a cold,” she rasped.

“Just a cold, huh? You sound terrible. You’re pale except for these two red patches on your cheeks and you’re running a temperature. Wait there while I find the thermometer.”

Yeah, she hadn’t been planning on moving anywhere.

He tucked her back under the covers. She made some pretty pathetic whimpering noises. This sucked.

“All right, sweet pea, I want you to lie on your tummy so I can take your temperature.”

She whimpered. She knew exactly how he planned to take her temperature, having experienced it a few times before and she hated it. Why couldn’t he use an oral thermometer or one that went in your ear like at the doctor?

“I don’t need my temperature taken,” she moaned.

“Gigi, do as you were told,” he replied sternly.

She rolled onto her tummy with a grumble. He pulled back the covers and she shivered despite the fact that her face felt roasting hot. She might be in trouble here.

Macca parted the cheeks of her bottom. Something cool was dabbed against her hole. Lube.

Oh hell.

Slowly, he pushed the anal thermometer into her bottom. She whimpered. Not that it hurt or anything. Just kind of embarrassing.

“Good girl,” he murmured, rubbing her lower back. “That’s my good girl. Just lie nice and still and let Daddy take care of you.” He drew the thermometer back out. “Oh, baby. 101.3. You’re a sick little girl, aren’t you?”

“I’ll be okay, Daddy,” she said bravely. “I just needs some sleep.”

“Well, you’ll be getting plenty of that.” He grabbed her some clean panties and waited until she rolled to her back to put them on her. Then he tucked the covers around her. “I’m going to call Doc and get him to come check on you.”

“Nooo,” she groaned. She’d already had the, umm, dubious pleasure of meeting Doc when she’d first moved here. He’d requested her medical records from her doctor back home and he’d also set her up with a specialist for her Lupus. She was grateful to have a doctor close by and who wouldn’t cost her anything to visit. But his bedside manner was more than a little brisk.

“Sweet pea, I know Doc can be a bit abrupt and grumpy, but he’s good at his job. And I promise, he cares about everyone on this ranch.”

“It’s just a cold.” She let out a barking cough. Uh-oh.

Macca frowned. “That doesn’t sound good. Even if it is just a cold, I would prefer Doc check you over, okay?”

“All right,” she said reluctantly, knowing it didn’t actually matter what she said. Doc would be coming no matter what.

“Good girl. Here you go.” He slid her pacifier between her lips. “I’ll go call him then I’ll get you something else to drink. Do you feel like eating?”

“No, throat sore.”

“Okay. Just rest.”

She must have fallen asleep. Because she woke up to the sound of deep voices and the feeling of the blankets being tugged off her.

“Hey!” She reached out and swatted the hands away.

“Gigi,” Macca said to her soothingly. “It’s just me and Doc. He wants to take your temperature.”

“Not again,” she groaned around her pacifier. Oh crap. She tugged it out of her mouth, feeling slightly embarrassed to be seen sucking on it. “You just took it, Daddy.”

“That was an hour ago.”

“Roll her onto her side facing away from me, Macca. Then try to distract her. Littles tend to get a bit upset when I take their temperature. Don’t know why, perfectly acceptable way to take a Little’s temperature. Always gotta make a fuss.”

She ignored Doc’s grumbling, as Macca rolled her over and slipped down her panties. Her legs were curled up to her chest. She whimpered but was too tired to put up a protest as the thermometer was slipped into her bottom once more.

“Shh, baby girl. It’s going to be okay. You feel pretty bad, huh?” Macca sympathized.

She nodded, wincing as it hurt her head. Macca grabbed hold of her pacifier again, putting it in her mouth. “Don’t be embarrassed. Doc’s seen it all.”


