Lost Love Read Online Kelly Elliott (Cowboys & Angels #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Cowboys & Angels Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 99283 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 496(@200wpm)___ 397(@250wpm)___ 331(@300wpm)

“Damn it!” I mumbled.

I made a mental note to talk to Steed about this. If anyone knew what would be going through his brother’s mind it would be Steed.

With another quick glance in the mirror, I beamed. The black Capri jeans and light blue shirt should be casual enough for my date with Steed. My stomach fluttered as I thought back to Saturday night. I hadn’t been that turned on since the last time Steed had touched me, over ten years ago. Sure, Joe used to turn me on, but it was never anything like what Steed could do. All Joe and I ever did was have make out sessions. He’d made me come a few times with his fingers, but nothing beyond that.

My fingers came up to my mouth as I let a soft chuckle slip from my lips. I swear they still tingled. I closed my eyes and let the memory of being wrapped up in Steed’s strong arms engulf me. What a crazy night of emotions. I was so exhausted I immediately fell asleep. At one point he got up and told me he had to text his mother. All I could do was mumble under my breath before I was lulled right back to sleep when he climbed back into bed.

I jumped when my phone buzzed and vibrated on the end table next to my bed. Reaching for it, I smiled when I saw his name.

Steed: Almost there. I hope you’re in the mood for pizza. I let Chloe pick where to eat.

Smiling, I typed back my reply.

Me: Pizza sounds amazing!

Small waves of nervousness rolled over my body.

Pushing down the nauseous feeling in my stomach, I headed downstairs. I opened a bottle of red wine and poured a small glass. The need to curb these nerves was real.

“What is the matter with me? It’s Steed. Why am I so nervous?”

Then it hit me. I wasn’t nervous about Steed, I was terrified about Chloe. It was my idea to invite Chloe along for our first official date, and I had to admit, I was scared to death of what she was going to think about us dating. Oh sure, she adored me as her kindergarten teacher and she knew we liked each other, but I was bidding for a place in their world. Would she be willing to share her Daddy with me?

My finger and thumb pinched the bridge of my nose while I took in a few deep breaths. Not being able to take it anymore, I texted the only person I thought would be able to help: Amelia.

Me: Did Steed tell you what was going on?

She responded almost instantly.

Amelia: OMG Yes! I’m totally writing a book about y’alls story.

I rolled my eyes.

Me: What if she hates me?

Amelia: Who?

Me: Chloe!

Seconds ticked off while I waited for her reply. When my phone rang in my hand I nearly threw it across the room it scared me so bad.


“Why would Chloe hate you, Paxton? She already adores you. When Steed told her the three of you were going on a date, you should have seen the way her eyes lit up. Mom of course started crying, which made Chloe ask why she was sad. She had to explain to her that they were happy tears!”

Smiling, I inhaled a deep breath to shake away the jitters. My mother had almost the same reaction when I told her earlier the three of us were heading out for a date.

“I would never want her to think I was trying to take her father away from her.”

Amelia sighed on the other end of the line. “Oh, Paxton. She won’t feel that way. I think you inviting her on the first date was the absolute right thing to do. It’s making her feel like she is a part of this. It’s going to be a change, but if I know one thing for sure, it’s Chloe is desperate for a mommy and you are all she talks about. Stop worrying.”

I nodded, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “You’re right. I’m just nervous.”

“Don’t be. Y’all will have fun.”

A strange sense of confidence came rushing over me. “You’re right! We will have fun! Thanks, Amelia!”

She chuckled. “Sure. Anytime!”

The doorbell rang.

“They’re here!”

“Bye! Kiss my brother and niece for me!”

“I will. Bye!”

Hitting End, I rushed to the front door. After taking a few deep breaths, I opened it to find the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen.

I gasped and then smiled. Tears pricked the back of my eyes as I looked at Steed standing there, holding Chloe in his arm, while they both held bouquets of my favorite flower. Pink Peonies.

“Paxton! Daddy and I got you flowers. They’re your favorites.”

Reaching for both bouquets, I kissed Steed on the cheek and then Chloe. “They are beautiful! I love peonies!”


