Lost Love Read Online Kelly Elliott (Cowboys & Angels #1)

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors: Series: Cowboys & Angels Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 99283 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 496(@200wpm)___ 397(@250wpm)___ 331(@300wpm)

The barn. If you could call it that. Dad’s prized horses were housed in the main barn. The damn thing had heat and air conditioning and I swore the stalls were nicer than my first loft apartment in Oregon.

“Nah, I don’t think he cares too much about the logistics of numbers.”

My father chuckled. “Then give it to me.”

“I don’t know how to tell you this, Dad, so I’m just going to say it. I think Fred was stealing from you.”

I figured he’d laugh. Tell me I was insane and that I needed to look through the books again. Instead, he leaned forward, put his arms on his legs and cursed.

“Motherfucker. I knew it.”

My eyes widened. “What? You knew Fred was stealing, and you didn’t do anything?”

When his head dropped, I had to fight the urge to comfort him. If there was one thing I knew about my father, it was that he didn’t show emotion. Weakness. Anything, when it came to his business.

His head was still down. Fuck. Was he upset? Or was he just that mad?

Finally, he looked up and I had my answer.

He was mad.

Hell, he was pissed.

“That pencil whipping, son-of-a-bitch, asshole, money hungry, dirt bag, asshole, fucker!”

Oh yeah, real pissed.

I chuckled. “You said asshole twice.”

He glared at me. Apparently now was not the time for joking. “I want him dead.”

“Well, I’m sure Cord knows a guy who knows a guy.”

His eyes met mine, and I was almost sure he was trying to shoot daggers at me. “Okay, we’re still not in the joking phase yet?” I asked.

“Find out how much the fucker took. I’ve been waiting for an excuse to beat his ass ever since he hit on your mother.”

He stood and started for the door. I jumped up. “Wait, Fred hit on Mom? When?”

Dad glanced over his shoulder. “At our wedding reception.”

My brows furrowed. “But y’all have been good friends. Why have you never done anything?”

“Because I’m a Parker, and we don’t have to worry about our women looking elsewhere when they’ve got it all with us.”

I snarled at the thought of my father and mother that way. My body shuddered.

“And I knew I didn’t have to worry about your mother, I trust her. But Fred was another thing. Why do you think I kept the fucker so close to me all those years? I figured he’d have tried to go after your mother again, but steal from me? Oh, hell no. I’ve been waiting for another reason to kick his ass and now, thanks to my son getting off his stupid ass and coming home, I’ve finally got him.”

He opened the door and closed it behind him. I smiled…until I realized my father hadn’t just given me a compliment. He’d insulted me.

Another light knock on the door, and Amelia walked in. “Hey, I thought you were out of town.”

She frowned. “The book event got cancelled. What’s going on with Dad? He looked pissed.”

I waved it off. “Apparently he’s been in a pissing contest with Fred for forty years.”

“Huh?” Amelia asked with a confused expression.

Laughing, I replied, “It’s nothing.” No need for me to tell Amelia about Fred’s stealing. If Dad wanted the rest of the family to know, he would tell them.

She curled up in the leather chair and smiled at me.

“What?” I asked.

“Oh nothing. Just wondering how things are going with you and Paxton.”

The simple mention of her name made my heart skip a beat. “They’re going good. Slow, but good.”

She lifted her brow. “Slow? How so? Y’all are with each other all the time.”

I dropped my head and gave her a taste of her own medicine. I shot a really pained look.

Her mouth opened as her head kicked back. “Oh! Slow as in the sex area.”

“Yes, and please don’t say anything else to Chloe. I know it’s you filling her head about marriage.”

She appeared to be offended. “Excuse me, but I haven’t mentioned anything about y’all getting married. Not one word.”

“You haven’t?” I asked.

“Nope. I’d take that shit up with our mother.”

Damn. Mom. I hadn’t even thought about it coming from her.

“Anyway, back to the sex. What’s going on?”

I shrugged. “Paxton wants to go slow. So I’m going slow. Painfully fucking slow.”

Amelia covered her mouth and giggled.

I sighed. “It’s not funny. I go to sleep with blue balls and wake up with them.”

“Ew. Seriously, I could have done without that bit of information, Steed.” She made a gagging noise.

I laughed and pushed my hand through my hair. “Anyway, I don’t know if I push a little harder or let her pick the pace.”

“Want my advice?”

“No offense, squirt, but you’re only twenty-two.”

She gave me a dirty look. “Well, I’m a woman. I’ve dated. I’ve had sex. I think I can add my two cents.”

Anger rushed through my body. “Who the fuck have you had sex with? I’ll kick the asshole’s ass.”


