Marriage For One Read online Ella Maise

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 176
Estimated words: 167649 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 838(@200wpm)___ 671(@250wpm)___ 559(@300wpm)

Chapter Twenty


It was one PM and still she hadn’t come out. I’d been in that waiting room for several hours already and still she wasn’t out. I felt like a caged animal, not only in that room, but in my own skin.

I paced every inch of the space, stopping next to the windows and staring out without seeing anything. I sat down on the green chairs I now hated, closed my eyes, and leaned back…opened my eyes, rested my elbows on my legs, and put my head in my hands…yet still she wasn’t back.

A family of three was waiting with me, a dad and two kids. One was a small girl who wouldn’t let go of her father’s hand, and the boy, maybe nine or ten, would pat his sister’s head every now and then and try to make both the dad and the girl laugh. When they got the good news that their mom was out of surgery, I felt a surge of relief for them, but when no one came to tell me about Rose, I sank farther down in my seat.

At one-fifteen, my eyes on the door waiting for a nurse, to my surprise, Cynthia walked in.

“What are you doing here?” I asked when she made it to my side.

She sat down in her own ugly green chair and settled in. “Wanted to check on you.” The bewilderment must have shown on my face because her expression softened and she patted my arm. “Any news?”

“No,” I grunted, resting my elbows on my parted legs again. “Just waiting.”

“That’s the hardest part.”

My eyes on the door, I nodded. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”

“My boss didn’t come in, so I’m taking a very long and late lunch break. Is there anything I can get you?”

I shook my head.

“She’ll be fine, Jack. You’ll see. You just hold on so you can take care of her when she gets out.”

I had no idea what she was talking about. I was fine.

We didn’t talk for at least thirty minutes. Finally, she sighed and got up. “I better get back. I’m trying to get all the urgent stuff to the partners.”

Clenching and unclenching my hands, I looked up at her from my seat, taking my eyes off the door. “Anyone making things hard for you?”

She patted my cheek, and we were both surprised by the gesture. “You worry about yourself and Rose. I’ll handle the partners.”

I jerked my head in a nod. “Thank you, Cynthia. I appreciate your help with everything these last few days. I know I dumped everything on you.”

“She is changing you, you know.”

My brows drew together. “What are you talking about now?” Distractedly, my gaze caught on the big clock on the wall right over the door: two PM.

Starting to get angry, I got up and started pacing right next to the windows.

“Nothing,” she murmured with a weird smile on her face.

I only paused long enough to give her a quick look then continued with my pacing.

“You’re gonna wear a hole in the ground.”

Another look thrown her way, this time more menacing—at least I hoped it was. “Then I’ll wear a damn hole in the ground.”

“Okay, I’m gonna leave you to your pacing now. Jack?”

I stopped with a frustrated sigh and faced her. “What?”

“Try not to lose her, okay? Don’t wait to tell her till it’s too late.”

I ground my teeth together to keep my mouth shut. My gaze must have finally worked because she raised her hands in the air then started putting on her coat, gloves, scarf, and finally the bright red coat.

When she shouldered her bag, she turned to me. “I’d appreciate it if you could let me know how the surgery went when she comes out.”

To my own horror, I muttered, “If she comes out.” Luckily, Cynthia didn’t hear me and finally left.

I spent another hour in my own unwanted company, and more people trickled out of the room as they got their good news so they could be with their loved ones.

Around three PM, Raymond walked in with balloons. Balloons. I didn’t know how I felt about that, but my body tightened to the point that I couldn’t have moved even if I’d wanted to. I knew she had a good relationship with him since he drove her almost more than he drove me lately, but I still didn’t know how I felt about him being there for her.

With balloons.

I hadn’t brought anything, and I didn’t think I could manage to leave the hospital. The fact that she wanted to be with me and stop pretending cooled me enough that I didn’t demand he leave the second his eyes spotted me and he moved to my side with his ridiculous balloons.

He left an empty seat between us and sat down.

I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. “Balloons, Raymond?” I asked, the words coming out as a low growl, unintentionally…or maybe not.


