Meet Your Match (Kings of the Ice #1) Read Online Kandi Steiner

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Kings of the Ice Series by Kandi Steiner

Total pages in book: 110
Estimated words: 104081 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 520(@200wpm)___ 416(@250wpm)___ 347(@300wpm)

The women encircled Vince once they were behind the ropes, sandwiching him between them, and all three of them began to move to the beat of the music thumping through the club. The women draped their arms over him like he was theirs — not even a hint of hesitation, or a single thought that he wouldn’t want them to.

My heart stopped in my chest, and then kicked back hard, racing faster and faster as I watched them.

I watched the blonde trail her nail up Vince’s arm, over his neck, until she dragged it along his chin and guided his mouth toward hers. She didn’t kiss him, just held him there, where he had no choice but to look at her as she stared back at him and moved her body against him.

Her body that he moved his hands to hold, to feel as she rolled to the music.

The brunette danced to the other side of him, straddling his leg with her thighs as she tugged at the collar of his shirt for his attention. When the blonde kept it, the brunette licked his neck before biting down.

Even from across the room, I saw Vince hiss, saw a smile curl on his lips as he turned to face her, and she grinned at the victory.

I was rooted in place.

Like a masochist, I watched it all unfold with my stomach bottoming out.

A front-row show to Boomer Bunnies in action.

And when both women started kissing on his neck, Vince looked up at the sky on a curse.

Then, he looked directly at me.

His eyes were dark and mischievous, locked on mine as the girls battled with each other for who could make him unravel the quickest. But he wasn’t smiling anymore, and he wasn’t giving either of them what they wanted.

He was too busy staring at me.

I sucked in a stiff breath, blinking repeatedly before I finally tore my gaze away and adjusted my purse on my shoulder. I muttered unheard excuse me’s as I pushed through the team and the lucky girls who’d been selected to join them. I pushed farther, out of the ropes and through the crowd until I burst out into the humid night air. It was so hard to breathe, I gasped, trying and failing to fill my lungs.

I didn’t see the car we’d come in, didn’t even give myself time to think of calling one. I just started walking in the direction of the skyscraper holding me prison for the month I was doing this job, squeezing my eyes shut hard to try to clear what I’d just seen before I opened them again and put one foot in front of the other.

I hadn’t made it twenty steps before I was spun in a circle, Vince sliding his hand into the crook of my elbow and pulling me to a stop.

“You’re leaving?”

I blinked at him, eyes catching where he had lipstick smeared on his neck.

A harsh laugh burst from my chest.

“I’m surprised you noticed,” I snapped, and then I ripped away from him and started off in the direction I’d been walking before he stopped me.

“Let me get you a car.”

“I can walk, it’s not far.”

“You’re in heels. And it’s three o’clock in the morning.”

“I’m fine.”

Vince jogged around to stand in front of me, blocking my path. “What’s going on? Why are you mad?”

“I’m not.”

“So you breathe like an angry dragon and storm around town because you’re having a grand time?”

I scoffed, skirting past him. “Go back inside, Vince. I’m sure your fans are missing you.”

He didn’t follow for the next several steps, but then he jogged to catch up to me, blocking my path once more. I noted that he had been texting something on his phone, but he slipped it into his pocket when he caught up to me.

Probably telling his little groupies to meet him back at his place.

“Maven,” he said. “Talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”

His eyes were lazy and glazed. He looked so sleepy and sexy and confident, and he watched me like he already knew the answer.

I glowered. “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I just wanted you to surprise me again, and found myself dreadfully disappointed.”

That beautiful, scarred brow lifted into his hairline. “How so?”

“You’re just like every other rich, professional athlete that the rules don’t apply to,” I said, shaking my head. “And it’s just so unoriginal.”

Vince frowned at that, almost laughing like he was confused. “The rules?”

But then the laughter faded, and something like recognition washed over him, smoothing out every feature of that beautiful, stupid face.

“You’re jealous.”

My eyebrows shot up into my hairline, indignation swirling with something akin to being stripped naked and put on display for the world to dissect. I swallowed all of it down, guard firmly in place.

“Wow.” I pushed past him, shaking my head, but he rounded me before I could take two more steps.


