Mine To Possess Read Online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Mafia Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 82878 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 414(@200wpm)___ 332(@250wpm)___ 276(@300wpm)

It would be much easier to back off and not let myself get too intoxicated by her. But not tonight.

Pushing aside my conflict, I pay the check and smile at Amelia. Tonight is her eighteenth birthday. She should be celebrating, and I intend to give her a night to remember. After tonight, I’ll make sure our paths don’t cross much, but for tonight, I’ll just envelop myself in the perfume of her innocence.

“Ready?” I ask.

She nods and gets up. I call my driver and by the time we step out of the restaurant, my Bentley is idling on curbside waiting for us. Antonio, my driver, rushes to open Amelia’s door and she smiles as she gets into the car. I go around to the other side, slip in beside her, and tell Antoni0 where we’re going.

“What clubs do you usually go to?” I ask.

“I don’t. I’m only eighteen remember,” she says primly.

I raise an eyebrow.

“Fine,” she confesses sheepishly. “I have a fake ID. My friends and I used to go to Human or The Max.”

“Then you’re going to love The Planetarium. It makes those places look like knitting clubs for grannies,” I say.

She laughs. “This place had better live up to that.”

“It will,” I assure.




-Make you dance like Poco Lee-

My driver pulls up outside of the club. The large planet earth in the club’s name is lit up with neon lights and shining over the street, turning the pavement blue and green. The sound of the music spills out of the door. I’m pleased to see that the line to get in goes right down the block. The launch party seems to be a success. Amelia makes a face as we get out of the car.

“What is it?” I ask.

“Nothing really. Just the length of the line. It’s going to take us hours to get in.”

I grin and she frowns.

“What’s so funny? This dress isn’t exactly thermal you know.”

“Amelia, it's my club. Do you really think we’re going to wait in line to get in?”

“Oh! This is your club. Right. Of course, we’re not.”

“Come on,” I stretch my hand out to hers.

The second our palms touch, fire floods up my arm and my cock jumps. That was a bit of a shock. Hearing the gasp Amelia makes as our skin touches tells me she feels the fire too. I let go of her hand and instead place it gently on the small of her back. It does nothing to help dial back my lust for her. I try to ignore the lust pounding through me and lead her to the entrance.

“Good evening, Mr. Leshchenko,” one of the bouncers greets with a nod, as he unhooks the small red velvet rope that leads to the VIP section of the club.

James, the new manager, rushes up to us, his face flushed with nerves and stress. “Mr. Leshchenko, I wasn’t expecting to see you here tonight.”

“Relax, James. I’m not here to check up on anyone, just to have a few drinks.”

He clasps his hands and breaks into a big smile. “Wonderful. In that case, this way, please, Mr. Leshchenko. I think you’ll be pleased with the turnout,” he says, gesturing for us to walk with him. “The place has been rocking like this since we opened.”

He takes us up the red carpeted staircase into the VIP area, which comprises a wide balcony that wraps around the entire club. It allows us a good view of the main dance floor. There’s a big bar at one end and a smaller one at the other, and of course, the obligatory dance floor. No one is dancing up here yet.

James was right. Looking over the balcony into the main area, I see the place is absolutely packed and the dance floor is alive with people moving to the music. The DJ shouts something over the mic, something I don’t quite catch, that gets an excited whoop from the crowd.

“May I get you a bottle of Champagne, Mr. Leshchenko?” James asks.

I turn to Amelia. “Champagne ok with you?”

“Whatever you’re having will be fine.”

“Champagne is good,” I say to James.

He nods respectfully and turns away. As he waves down a waitress, I lead Amelia away from the railing and we take our seats on a nest of black leather sofas.

A waitress carrying a bottle of fizz and an ice bucket arrives with impressive speed. She uncorks the bottle, fills the glasses and leaves.

Amelia lifts her glass. “Here’s to you. May you always be the richest man in the club.”

“May you always be the most beautiful woman in the club.”

Her eyes widen and confused color rushes into her cheeks.

Quickly she turns her head and looks out over the railings to the people on the dance floor below. She sways slightly, bobbing her head in time with the beat.

“I always envied people who managed to find a spot in a club where they can dance without other people’s elbows in their ribs.”


