Princess Fallen Read Online Helen Hardt

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Vampires Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 69
Estimated words: 72056 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 360(@200wpm)___ 288(@250wpm)___ 240(@300wpm)

In a flash he’s dislodged my foot from his neck and he’s on top of me, naked, while I’m still fully clothed.

He growls again, and his wild irises swirl into that cognac and emerald mixture that makes me insane.

“You accused me of protecting someone else over you, princess,” he snarls. “For that, you must be punished.”

Punished? Is he serious? Though the thought doesn’t disgust me. In fact…

But I’m not going there. Not now. Not when—

His mouth comes down on mine, and he’s still snarling as he pries my lips apart with his teeth and shoves his tongue inside.

I respond. I have no choice. My body was created to respond to his.

It’s nature.

Fucking nature.

We kiss not of passion but of anger and rage. My fangs descend, and I nick the inside of his mouth and his tongue, taste tiny droplets of his blood.

And a fire ignites within me.

A fire I don’t want right now.

But it’s nature. It’s fucking nature.

You’re controlled by nature. Nature has led you to Rogan. But the laws of nature also tell us that what controls us can also be controlled.

The words mash into my mind. Where have I heard them before, and what do they mean?

But I don’t care.

Only this kiss. Only this kiss matters in this moment.

My rage… My fucking rage…

Already I feel it morphing into unbridled passion. A flare of electricity surges between my legs, and I need to be free of the binding of my clothing. Free of the spiked boots and leather pants. Free from the bulletproof vest and chainmail.


Naked like my wolf.

So easy…

So easy to forget the answers I seek.

So easy to lose myself in Rogan’s body… In Rogan’s love and desire for me…

So fucking easy…

Rogan breaks the kiss and inhales briskly.

My canines itch, and my body reacts. I sink my teeth into his neck and let his carotid feed me.

I don’t need blood.

Not for sustenance.

This is for me. Solely for me because I want it.

Rogan’s blood may nourish me and keep me alive, but that’s not its only purpose.

It satiates me. Fills me with strength and honor and…

Fuck it.

It just tastes good. It tastes so fucking good.

And I want it. I want the dark cherry and chocolate elixir that coats my mouth and my throat. I want it simply because I want it.

It’s in my nature.

You’re controlled by nature. Nature has led you to Rogan. But the laws of nature also tell us that what controls us can also be controlled.

Damn it!

Blood. More blood. Concentrate on your desires, your needs…

But I can’t.

I yank my teeth out of Rogan’s neck and soothe the wound closed.

He moves to kiss me once more, but I turn my head and his lips meet my cheek.

I roll over on top of him and straddle him. He’s still naked, and I’m still clothed in battle garments. His cock is hard, and God… How I’d love to sink onto it, ease the ache inside me.


“It’s time,” I say. “Time to level with me. And I swear to God, Rogan, you won’t kiss me or fuck me into capitulation. I will have answers, and I will have them now.”


Rogan snarls. He growls, and his irises swirl. Is he going to change?

I can’t tell, but I don’t move a fucking muscle. This wolf doesn’t scare me. He’d never harm me.

Not ever.

“Stop it,” I say. “Just stop it now. Who the fuck cut out those hearts? Who are you protecting?”

“No one.”

“I don’t believe you, Rogan.” I clench my jaw. “Who the fuck are you protecting?”

He growls again, and quicker than lightning he’s on top of me, clamping my arms above my head. “Fuck you, princess. Fuck you!”

His mouth comes down on mine, and arousal surges through me.

I’m high... high on Rogan’s blood and high on his animal pheromones.

No. No, no, no!

But I’m powerless to resist him.

I swore he wouldn’t fuck me into submission, and he’s not.

I’m not submitting.

I’m a full-blown partner in this seduction.

I want it as much as he does.

Damn it!

I don’t want to want it. But I do. I have no choice.

There was never a choice.

Never a fucking choice.

The kiss is raw and full of primal desire.

And I have way too many clothes on.

Normally I’d disrobe quickly, or Rogan would tear them from my body.

But I’m wearing leather and chainmail. Not easily tear-able...unless he changes and claws at the garments.

He breaks the kiss and gasps in a breath. “Undress,” he says through gritted teeth. “Now.”

I want to. I want my naked body clamped to his, his cock inside my pussy. God, I want it more than I want to breathe.



“What did you say?”

“There’s nothing wrong with your wolf hearing, Rogan. I said no.”

“You’re trying my patience, princess.”

“Good, because you’ve been trying mine. Who the fuck cut out those vampire hearts?”

“Get that gear off your body or I swear to God I’ll rip it from you with my teeth.”


