Protecting Freedom Read Online Alexa Riley

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 25
Estimated words: 23270 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 116(@200wpm)___ 93(@250wpm)___ 78(@300wpm)

I hope to god I don’t have to kill anyone right now, but I’m not above doing it to protect her. I know that eventually this will make it back to the president, but I don’t care what nation he leads, his daughter is mine.

Chapter Six


I search my closet for a shirt, but I’m so frantic I can’t find one even though I’m surrounded by them. I stop what I’m doing and close my eyes. I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

“Get it together,” I tell myself.

Too much has just happened. I lost my virginity, Washington told me he loves me, and then we got caught right as he has to run out and chase down a threat. My brain can't slow down.

I should be worried about Washington and not that my dad is going to find out about the two of us, but the fear is one and the same. My eyes begin to water. He’ll take him from me; I know it.

I sniffle as I put on the nightshirt I was wearing and a new pair of panties.

I’ll fight my dad. It’s the only way. I won’t let him stand in the way of Washington and me. And I’m pretty sure Washington won’t stand for it either. I try to reassure myself that it will all be okay.

Being with Washington was the greatest moment of my life. For the first time I felt I was who I was supposed to be. I’m meant to be his. I felt it in the way he touched me, and when his mouth met mine my whole world came alive. I’m not losing that.

When I walk out of my closet I freeze. The air leaves my lungs and I’m unable to scream. Chad is standing there staring right at me, and I’m frozen still, panic rising within me.

“I’ve been looking for you. They don’t keep cameras in this wing of the White House.”

I try to process his words. It’s still hard to believe that Chad is a threat, but the crazy look in his eyes right now is giving me chills.

He takes a step towards me, and thankfully my body listens to my brain and I back up. I realize too late I’m stepping back into my closet and cornering myself with no escape.

“What are you doing, Chad?” I ask, trying to stall. I need time to think. Maybe I can reason with him. He doesn’t have a weapon on him, but I’m not much of a fighter. He’s not as big as Washington, but I’m small. It’s not like I could take him. One hit to my head and I’d probably go down.

“You know I’ve never had a problem getting a girl’s attention.” He looks me over with disgust on his face. “But you. You just wouldn’t take the bait. How many dates did I ask you on?” His eyes narrow.

Did he ask me on a date? I only remember him asking me to get coffee or something and I just ordered some from the kitchen. Why did we need to go out for it? Now I’m seeing that maybe I missed some of his advances.

“I’ve never dated before. I didn’t realize…” I try to reason with him. I don’t have to play dumb here, because I was. I had no idea he was into me.

“It would have made everything so much easier.” He shakes his head and tsks.

“Made what easier?” I try to sound casual, to make it seem as if we are only talking. Maybe he’ll calm down a little if I don’t look as uneasy. Even if my insides are screaming.

“All I needed was some information about your dad.”

“I don’t know his stuff. You think they tell me things?” My dad tries to shelter me from everything he can. Even the stuff that isn’t a big deal.

“I needed information about him and his new girlfriend.”

I didn't see that coming. I’m sure the shock shows on my face. I’m not like Washington. I can’t hide my emotions.

“July?” Is he for real? He wanted to know if my dad was sticking it to his secretary? I can’t wrap my mind around this. I thought this was about finding out some top secret document or something.

“You know how much they were going to pay me for that information? What I could do with that money?” He snaps the words and his anger rises. “Millions! You know what a photo would have gotten me? Do you?”

I’m guessing even more than that, but I keep that to myself. I think the question is probably rhetorical.

“I had everything. I was here and my software was ready to get it. Once I realized you weren't taking the bait I had to figure out how to do it without you. Then your dad suddenly leaves. Fucking leaves. It’s your fucking birthday. He was supposed to be here.” His voice begins to rise, but he checks himself and takes a breath. He must know that if he yells someone will hear us, which makes me wonder if I should scream. How long would it take someone to get here? I don’t know what Chad is capable of in that amount of time.


