Stealing Cinderella Read online A. Zavarelli

Categories Genre: Angst, BDSM, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 101
Estimated words: 94782 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 474(@200wpm)___ 379(@250wpm)___ 316(@300wpm)

“I can smell how much you want me,” he hums. “You filthy little liar. Does your hate for me get you off?”

My lips seal shut. That question feels like too much of a minefield to navigate, and I don’t want to go there. Regardless, Thorsen doesn’t wait for a response. The next thing I feel is something cold and metallic sliding through my arousal before it settles somewhere forbidden.

“What are you doing?” I jerk as he presses the object against my ass.

“I’m going to fuck you.” His hand comes to rest on my lower back, holding me still as he moves the object deeper, forcing it past my resistance. “And I’m going to come in you.”

I drag in a ragged breath, paralyzed by the invasion. It feels like I’m being stretched wide open, and it seems to go on forever until he finally halts, seating the object inside me.

“Your Highness—”

He twists the metal, and a thousand sparks shoot through my core as my breath hisses between my teeth. It’s so intense I feel like I can’t breathe. Or move. Or think.

“Don’t call me that,” he warns. “Don’t call me anything. I’m nothing to you.”

He drags me back to the floor again. And this time, I can hear his belt, followed by the rustle of clothing as he shoves his trousers down. The object inside me moves every time I clench, and I don’t know how to sit, but Thorsen doesn’t give me a choice in the matter when he grabs my head and his cock bumps against my lips.

“Suck it.” His rough voice commands.

On his order, my lips part as if they have a mind of their own. But I’m still thinking about how I should resist because it feels like I’m falling into a black hole I’ll never climb out of. Those thoughts are swiftly carried away when he groans, his hard flesh sliding over my tongue and all the way to the back of my throat. I gag, and he pulls back, but only for a second before he does it all over again. Spit drips out the sides of my mouth and down onto my breasts, and he rubs it into my skin and tugs on my nipple. I gulp around him, the effect vibrating through me and waking something primal I didn’t even know existed. Whoever she is, this animal wants more. It must be her that hums against him as he finds his rhythm, casually fucking my face as he manhandles my skull between his hands.

I can’t see him, but I can hear all his sounds. His strangled groans, the hitch in his breath, the contractions of his muscles beneath his flesh. His grip on me falters, and he pulls away as if he wants to stop, only to come back for more. I think I must have woken something primal in him too.


His sharp directive slices through the air as he withdraws without warning and steps away. He’s breathing hard, and I can feel his eyes burning into me.

“You said you were a virgin,” he snarls. “Are you a liar, gudinne?”

“No.” I tilt my chin up toward him. “I’m not.”

“I don’t believe you.” His voice is an accusation.

“Don’t believe me.” My legs fall apart, summoning him. “You’ll find out anyway.”

There’s a long pause, and I’m desperate to know what he’s thinking. I don’t know what to expect from him, and I think that’s what scares me the most.

“Stand up,” he orders.

I rise on shaky legs, hissing from the sting of the rug burns on my knees as I wait for his next instructions. When he touches me again, it isn’t with affection or roughness. It’s merely with purpose when he bends me over the bed, hauling my ass to the edge. The sticky arousal between my thighs perfumes the air around us, and Thorsen drags his fingers through it, using it to wet his cock. When he tugs the toy from my ass, I suck in a breath as something else takes its place. Something hard and undeniably male. He presses the head of his cock against the hole, and I wiggle in his grasp, bucking up only for him to shove me back down.

“It won’t fit!” I screech, suddenly panicked.

“It will,” he insists. “Now be still, or you really aren’t going to like it.”

How the hell would he know? That fleeting thought disappears as a wave of different sensations floods my body. Adrenaline shoots through my veins as warmth pools in my belly, and it’s all too much. It feels as if I’m being torn in half as he digs his thumbs into the curve of my back and shoves his cock deeper. Just when I think I can’t take anymore, he keeps going and going, until finally, he bottoms out, and a guttural sound rattles in my chest.


