Stealing My Ex Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38168 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 191(@200wpm)___ 153(@250wpm)___ 127(@300wpm)

None of this is what I wanted, and I find myself acting in ways foreign to my nature. Like sitting outside her home for hours, I was usually the one laughing at the girls and women I put through that ordeal.

The days I’ve spent combing through her social media posts, even going back years to a time before I even knew she existed, it’s as if I’ve become obsessed with her life, and as much as I tell myself to stop, I can’t seem to control myself.

I wake up in the morning thinking about her and go to bed at night pretty much the same. She’s all I can think about, and now, with my job gone, I have even more time on my hands to dwell. You’d think she was the one I’d had the affair with as much time as I spend looking for news on her.

But this wasn’t right; this was not the chapter of my life I was expecting at this stage in the game. Right now, I should be planning my wedding, our wedding. I’d already played the perfect stepmom to his kids even though I have no use for them, had let him use my body any way he wanted for the last couple of years, and was sure that he’d been so wrapped up in me that he wasn’t going anywhere.

Each time he even looked like he was waffling, I’d put a new pussy move on him and drag him right back in line. I was sure to only show him my sweet side in those days and never put a foot out of place.

So, what went wrong? That’s the question I’ve been wrestling with all night and for the last few days. Where did I make a wrong move or take a wrong step? I didn’t, I’m sure of it. I did everything by the book that I wrote, followed the guidelines to a t and all was going very well for me.

I could see the light at the end of the tunnel and knew that I had ensnared Justin to me in ways he wouldn’t easily escape from, so why was he back with her? It made no sense. He’d left her for me, had made his choice loud and clear. This man walked away from his wife and kids for me, so why?

I rolled over and pulled my journal from beneath my pillow. I had everything in there: all my hopes and dreams for the future. There was the notation I’d made after the divorce was finalized. I remember now how pissed I was that we weren’t getting the house, but I comforted myself with the knowledge that I could get him to buy me an even bigger and better one.

A beautiful mansion where I would throw amazing parties and lord it over all those stuck-up bitches at the job when they had to bow down to me in my home with my handsome, rich, and very successful husband on my arm.

My parties were going to be bigger and grander than hers, and everyone would be singing my praises the way they once did hers. They’d choose me, they’d finally see that I was the one for Justin, the perfect fit. I was younger and, if not prettier, had a more extroverted personality. Not like that stuck-up bitch with her smarmy smiles.

I would have a baby right away to take away from hers, a kid to replace the three he’d lost. There, that’s the picture of the mansion I’d found and was going to suggest as soon as I got pregnant. Maybe I shouldn’t have put off getting pregnant, but I always knew that it was the hassle of raising kids that had split them apart, and I was dead set on not letting that happen to me.

I would’ve gotten the contraceptive chip as soon as the first baby was born without letting him know and spaced the pregnancies about five years apart so I would have as many as she did, but not at the same rate. This way, I would’ve been able to have time for him and the kid, though I had planned on finding ways around him knowing I had a babysitter, which he seemed dead set against.

I would’ve hired someone to come an hour after he left for the office and leave an hour before he was set to arrive in the evenings. He would never have been the wiser and would’ve praised me for my hard work because, of course, someone else would’ve been cleaning the house.

He had no issues with that last part when he was married to her, obviously, since they had a cleaning service that came a few times a week back then, but I would’ve wanted someone there every day because I hate the idea of cleaning anything and why should I have to with a husband who was worth millions?


