Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

Penny felt her cheeks getting hot.

“V’rex,” she protested uneasily. “You don’t have to do that.”

“Yes I do.” He frowned. “I have to take care of you—to protect you and cherish you. And if that means keeping my tongue between your thighs because you won’t tell me when you’re hurting, then by the Goddess, I’ll fucking well keep it there.”

“All right, all right—I believe you,” Penny said hastily. “I’ll try to get up the nerve to let you know I’m hurting before it gets so bad next time.”

“Good. Because you taste fucking delicious and I’d want to lick your soft little cunt even if you didn’t need me to.” V’rex smiled and kissed her slowly and deliberately on the mouth, sharing her own secret flavor with her.

Penny moaned with surprised pleasure and found that she was kissing him back.

He’s right, she thought as she sucked eagerly at his tongue. I do taste good! Garret was lying. Or else he was just an asshole who didn’t want to go down and decided to make me feel bad to stop me from asking for it.

Whatever the case, she was once again getting way too intimate with the big Hybrid, she reminded herself. Reluctantly, she broke the kiss and pulled away.

“What about you?” she asked V’rex as he stared into her eyes, his own pale gold ones still half-lidded.

“What about me what, sweetheart?” he murmured.

“Well, you made sure that I, uh, came when you healed me,” Penny pointed out. “But what about you? Do you want me to…I mean, I can…”

She reached for his shaft and her hand came away sticky.

“Oops. Sorry about that,” V’rex growled apologetically. “Sorry, baby—it’s just that I went off like a rocket when I felt you coming on my tongue. So as you can see, I’m all good.”

Penny looked at him in surprise.

“You liked it that much? Tasting me?”

“Hell yes I fucking did.” His golden eyes flashed with sudden heat. “I’m Kindred, little girl. I fucking need to go down on my female. Didn’t you know that?”

Penny shook her head.

“No, like I said, I’ve studied some about Kindred anatomy but I’m still kind of in the dark on a lot of things. Especially about someone like you—since you’re two kinds of Kindred, uh, put together.”

“I don’t know if you can call the Kru’ell Ones Kindred.” V’rex’s face went dark, as it always did when he talked about his father’s people. “But most Hybrids carry the traits of both branches of the Kindred tree they come from. Of course, that’s also what makes most Hybrids unable to bond, but there, at least, my Kru’ell One half helps me.”

“Meaning that you could bond with a female. If…if you wanted to?” Penny asked, feeling her heart speed up a bit.

“Oh yes, little girl.” V’rex looked at her intently. “I could bond with you. I could make you mine forever.”

The possessive note in his deep voice scared her. What would she do if they wound up bonded for life? How could she go back to her normal life if she was suddenly bound to a seven-foot-tall space pirate who had been named an outlaw by the very people she was working for? Also, she still hadn’t known V’rex even one whole week yet—they needed to slow down here!

“I…I don’t…” she began, not sure what to say.

“It’s all right, sweetheart—I can tell you’re not ready for that,” V’rex told her. “C’mon—let’s take a shower and get to bed.”

“Okay,” Penny agreed and let him lead her into the bathroom.

She was relieved he hadn’t made her continue their conversation about bonding but she couldn’t help wondering if it was going to come up again, sometime in the future…


For the next several days, they fell into a kind of routine—one that Penny never would have believed would be possible with any man, let alone a huge, dangerous space pirate like V’rex.

Every morning when they woke, the big Hybrid took a moment to suck her breasts and then insisted on examining her pussy. If he detected even the faintest signs of redness or swelling, he gave her a quick but thorough tongue bath that always made Penny squirm with embarrassed pleasure. However, he almost never gave her orgasms in the morning, saying that he preferred to keep her wanting and thinking of him all day and wondering what might happen that evening.

After V’rex tended to her, the two of them got dressed and had breakfast—usually a porridge made from the dark blue svetty grains and sweetened with some of the billux bee honey that V’rex had procured from the bee houses, located right next to the greenhouse where he worked.

Following breakfast, the big Hybrid walked her to work at the Marketplace almost every morning. He said he was just keeping Penny company, but she thought it was probably his way of making certain Skrug was staying in line. He never said anything to the other male, but he eyed the big blue alien balefully and she noticed that Skrug wouldn’t meet V’rex’s eyes.


