Taken by the Bikers – Screaming Eagles MC Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 76736 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 384(@200wpm)___ 307(@250wpm)___ 256(@300wpm)

“Fuck, your tits are amazing,” growls Hero.

Wild Child, who still has his hands full, leans in to nibble the back of my neck. “They fucking are.”

King watches us with his dark gaze, but rather than join in, he sits down so he can watch. Should it bother me? It doesn't. For some reason, the guys have a dynamic that seems so natural between them that I don't question it. If his role is to watch for now, then I'll make sure he gets a show he'll remember.

Hero and Wild Child turn me back and forth between them, trading off on kissing my silly and exploring my body. I never knew I could get so much pleasure just from having my breasts played with, but they're experts. I'd always dreamed that I'd lose my virginity to someone as clueless as me, and we'd giggle our way through it while we figured it out, but now that I'm here, I have to say there's something to be said for being in the hands of someone who knows what the hell they're doing.

Hero growls as he undoes my jeans. The pants drop to the floor, exposing the rest of me. As he slides his huge hands over my hips and kisses his way down my spine, Wild Child cradles the side of my face with his hand, tilting me up to look at him. His fingers are rough and hot to the touch, and his gaze smoldering. When he presses his thumb against my lips, I let it in and even suck on it a little. His mischievous smirk promises that I'm going to get to try that on something much bigger.

My eyes dart to King, who's watching intently. He's the only one still fully dressed, but he's got one hand rubbing over an impressive bulge in his pants. Maybe it's best that he holds off. I'm already overloading on the two of them, but I can't help wonder what he's thinking. What he wants me to do.

“Come,” says Wild Child eagerly and pulls me towards the bed. The moment of movement gives Hero a chance to tear off his clothes before he joins us.

They roll me over on my back and Hero gets between my legs, holding me open and exposing me to all three of them. God, they can see everything. As he leans in and buries his tongue between my legs, Wild Child works the buckle on his pants so fervently you'd think it was choking him. And then he's naked too, leaving King as the only dressed person in the room.

Wild Child's kneels on the bed next to me. His cock is as impressive as Hero's, thick and standing up proud like a tower. He slowly strokes it with one hand while the other tugs on my breasts.

Hero's broad tongue is making me lose my mind, stoking the roiling fires in my core. I'm mush between the two of them, but Wild Child takes my hand and pulls it up to his cock and wraps my fingers around it, then shows me how to stroke him off. He's hot and pulsing in my grip, and moans deep in his throat when he lets go of my hand but I keep going. I try, at least, but it's hard to concentrate when Hero's tongue slips inside me.

I groan and arch my back, trying to push my pussy right into his mouth. Wild Child draws a sharp breath. “Ease up a little, babe,” he says with a little laugh. “Just stroke it, don't try to rip it off.”

I nod, only half paying attention. The attention of one guy is overwhelming, and two is mind-blowing. I can't even imagine all three.

Hero skims his tongue over my clit over and over, and it gets harder and harder to concentrate on the cock in my hand. I shut my eyes, just to feel, and the way my tummy is tingling and my mind is whirring is going to bring me right over the edge if he doesn't ease up. Not that I want him to.

Wild Child pulls back from my slack fingers, and then something hot and wet captures one of my nipples. I look down to find him sucking on it, the softness of his tongue and the hardness of his tongue stud teasing me wild. I'm drowning in a sea of pleasure, and there's a tsunami building that's about to carry me away.

Hero pulls away. It takes a moment, but then I realize he hasn't come back yet and I whimper. “Hero…”

He looks down at me, the lower half of his face glistening and his smile broad as he leans over me. “Oh, weren't we done yet?” Wild Child laughs.

“You're being mean.” Now that he's closer, I can smack him on one of those massive pecs, but it only makes him chuckle. And then I realize why he's now over me rather than down below. My gaze traces his broad torso all the way down past his six pack abs, his belly button, and the tussle of hair above his big cock to where I find him hard as a post, a condom already slipped on and pointed right at my pussy. “Oh,” I breathe.


