Tame Me Read online J.L. Beck (Broken Heroes #5)

Categories Genre: Crime, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Broken Heroes Series by J.L. Beck
Series: The Rossi Crime Family Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 80475 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 402(@200wpm)___ 322(@250wpm)___ 268(@300wpm)

Time flies while we are waiting for the main event to be called. When it does, I get up and walk out into the crowd without a word. Most people just step out of my way, some idiots slap me on the back and wish me good luck. One chick tries to kiss me on the cheek, but I turn away from her before she can get her lips close enough.

I know that there it’s loud in here, people yelling, making their final bets, cheering me on...Usually I would revel in this, soak it up while I can. But today all the noise around me reaches my ear as nothing more than a low annoying buzzing sounds. I can’t make out a single word anyone is saying. It’s as if someone just turned down the volume.

I get into my corner of the ring and look at the guy across from me. He is about my height, but he has a good twenty pounds on me in weight. That means two things. He is probably slower than me,, but if he knows how to throw a punch right, he can put more weight behind it. I guess we’ll find out here in a minute.

The announcer motions for us to come to the center of the ring and then he gives the signal for us to start fighting. The other guy starts coming for me immediately, swinging at my face.

I didn’t expect him to be so quick to attack without getting a feel of me first. Even with me not having trained in the last two weeks, my reflexes are still on point. I easily dodge every punch he throws at me, and I even get a few good punches in on him, but that lasts only for a short time.

Then slowly things change. Something happens that's never happened to me before…I start to feel the onset of fatigue.

Usually I let the other guy tire himself out while I wait bouncing around the ring well toying with him, and then, and only then do I go in for the kill. Today however, I’m the one being worn out.

I can feel my muscles strain, a deep ache radiating throughout my body, slowing me down. My reflexes are getting less quick and my punches are losing power, and effectiveness.

Shit. I didn't realize how much extra energy the double dose of pills gave me before each fight.

My train of thought is interrupted by a right hook to the jaw. My teeth rattle inside my and stars appear over my vision.

Pain explodes across my jaw and up my face. There's a deep ache behind my eyes and I throw my hands up to protect my face and head until I regain my bearings. My opponent of course takes that opportunity to dish out some well placed kidney shots. I can barely suck in an entire breath without wheezing. Dizziness washes over me, and I'm afraid that I'll fall to the ground at any second.

I take another punch to the side of the head, and it briefly knocks some sense into me. I give the guy some good jabs to the gut and one hard punch to the face. I all but groan when the fucker gives it back to me a moment later.

Another wave of pain followed by dizziness overcomes me when his bare knuckles connect with the skin above my right eye.

My head snaps back and for a moment I drop my hands, giving him free rein to keep hitting my head…and that’s exactly what he does.

One punch after the other, my jaw, my cheek, my nose, anything he can hit…he hits, and I let him. The pain is a welcoming feeling for once.

By the time I get my hands back up I can feel the blood running down my face. Its hurts to breathe, to keep my eyes open, to simply live and I'm about to just drop my arms all together and let him kill me, but before I do, he hits me in the gut so hard that I double over.

Another punch to the back of my head brings me to my knees and I know that’s it. There is no way I’m getting back up.

I’m too weak, I have no fight left in me.

I open my eyes, blinking as blood runs into my left eye. I don’t even hear the buzzing noise of the crowd anymore.

Now there is nothing...only silence surrounds me. I look out into the crowd…I'm about to close my eyes for the final time, to give up completely when I see her. I blink, and I feel like I might just be seeing shit, but when I look again, she's still there right in the middle of the sea of people surrounding me she stands.

Sophie. My Sophie. My beacon of light.


