The Christmas Mac-n-Cheese Mystery Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

I was doing my best not to give that away, though, even though I caught wide, teasing grins being aimed at my direction from several of my friends.

I might not have been as subtle as I should have been when it came to my interest in Ruslan.

Of course, I hadn’t said anything about him being a little, but everyone had already assumed he was a sub before I’d started trying to get his attention. I wasn’t sure if that was because of Ruslan’s obvious nature or if everyone just assumed every professor on campus was either a Dom or a sub, but I was guessing it was a bit of both.

There were a handful of professors who were clearly middle-of-the-road vanilla but they were usually straight guys with odd senses of humor who enjoyed the drama going on around them. It was kind of like living in a kinky daytime soap opera sometimes, so I could see the attraction.

It’d definitely made my decision about where to go to college easier.

“And our last contestant, the taco casserole mac-n-cheese from our Mexican night.” Mike had thoroughly enjoyed pointing out how most of the entries had been decidedly Tex-Mex or Taco Bell Mex, but he restrained himself this time…and the way he rolled his eyes in Ruslan’s direction said why.

But by the time the crowd finished laughing and calling out terrible impressions of that dog that used to be in all the Taco Bell commercials…ones that I was pretty sure no one going to the college had been alive to see…the taste testing was complete and the judges were back to conferring about the winner.

I wasn’t so cocky that I knew I would win. The competition was actually really fierce for a college club and even I wasn’t sure who I’d have voted for. Hell, the caramelized onion and sausage one from the first round had been amazing and I was still trying to figure out what spices had been used, but I thought I had a pretty good chance.

But we all might’ve been beaten by the freshman who’d somehow bought a space-age-style storage container that kept his lobster mac-n-cheese at a piping hot temperature. Who could compete with cheese that gooey?


We all lost to the girl who’d brought in a spicy buffalo chicken mac-n-cheese that was probably going to give Ruslan heartburn, but the other three judges loved it.

No one was more disappointed than lobster guy, but when his prize turned out to be one of the sophomore girls who seemed to have a thing for lobster and fussy men, I didn’t think he minded not winning the actual contest.

I had to wait for my prize, but I was patient and hung out with a variety of people as the food was devoured and Ruslan was cornered by one of the twins again. He had no idea how into him they were, but luckily for me, three subs didn’t make a relationship even if two of them were ridiculously naughty.

Poor Ruslan didn’t seem to have any idea what was going on though, so after he’d been trapped for entirely too long and his buddy the professor just kept giggling and walking away, I took pity on the sweet, utterly oblivious man.

Coming up and interrupting Adam who seemed to be pretending to be Max based on the shirt he was wearing, I politely jumped in. “Professor Ruslan? If you’ve got a minute.”

Adam pouted before I gave him a big smile. “Sorry. Club business.”

“My office hours for next week are posted on my website.” Adorably confused, Ruslan did his best to help as Adam sighed and walked way.

Just in case Adam decided to take another run at the sexy professor, I led Ruslan over to the other side of the room as he clearly mulled over the interaction. “Why was he frustrated? I really thought I’d answered that question well in class.”


Part of me wondered if it was my place to point out the issue, but the Daddy side of me decided we weren’t going to deal with their shenanigans any longer. “They’ve got a crush on you and are fucking with you for attention. I don’t know if it’s a twin thing or they’ve got really bad radar, but this is not about your teaching.”

His mouth dropped open and he just blinked at me.

Yep, no clue at all.

“I’m pretty sure they’re hoping that you’ll find the twin thing sexy, but they have no ability to pick out who’s got the take-charge genes and who’s not as aggressive.” I thought that’d been a polite way to say it, but I started to question it when Ruslan just kept blinking.

“Every professor on campus except for most of the professors over in the School of Business are Doms, subs, or a fun mix of both. They don’t know anything about your personal life. It’s just a safe bet to assume someone is kinky around here.” That finally had him nodding slowly and it seemed like his brain came back online.


