The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

“I appreciate you, Liam, and Raine for hosting the party.” Seth clapped Hammer on the back fondly. “The twins were dying to see Liam and to meet you and Raine.”

“Based on the stories Liam has told me, Jack and Connor are wild as hell…in a good way.”

“Well, it’s not all good,” Seth refuted with a fond grin. “I still think it’s a miracle my mom never killed them.”

After chuckles all around, Jericho skimmed the yard to see if anyone was nearby, then he faced Hammer, his voice low. “Before we return to the others, I wanted to ask you a question, Macen. I’m not sure if this is the right time or—”

“Sure. What’s on your mind?”

“Following the whole Marlie debacle when she implicated you for supposedly exploiting Raine and all that shit…”

Hammer’s face hardened. “You know about that? It was all lies. I’ve been exonerated—”

“I know. After you got arrested, Dean asked me to look at your case. I took a deep dive into your file, especially the info about your club. I knew you were innocent and that your fucking sham of a trial wasn’t going anywhere.”

Macen relaxed. “Thank God that turned out to be the case.”

“Anyway, everyone interviewed had nothing but good things to say about you and Shadows, and…” Jericho glanced around again. “I’ve spent a few years playing in private with a fellow agent. She worked in another division and got transferred to Milwaukee a few months ago. I don’t want to give up the lifestyle, but I need to find someone and someplace to play that affords anonymity. I can’t risk my job.”

Suddenly, Hammer was all smiles. “I got you covered. All play at Shadows is as anonymous as you want it to be. Come by anytime. We’ll get the paperwork done, talk about what you’re looking for, and I’ll introduce you to some subs who might fit your interests.”

“Your members all sign confidentiality agreements, right?”

“Absolutely. Binding and tight.”

“Great.” Jericho grinned. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“Welcome to the club.” Hammer clapped Jericho on the back.

“Now let’s eat.” Seth gestured toward the buffet tables.

As they strode toward the line, Heavenly—carrying a plate laden with brisket, ribs, beans, and salads—looped her arm through Seth’s and tugged him toward a table. “Come with me. I stacked an extra plate under this one so we can share.”

“I’ll save you a seat, Jericho.” He grinned at Heavenly. “See, there’s another one of the million reasons I fell so hard for you.”

“Really?” She laughed as they sat at a table under a big umbrella. “What are the others? I need examples.”

He brushed a strand of hair from her cheek. “You’re not only breathtakingly gorgeous but you also think of ways to make me smile.” Seth dropped his voice. “To make us smile. I love you, angel.”

She squeezed his hand. “I love you, too.”

As Heavenly leaned into his kiss, her stomach growled.

He backed away reluctantly. “Eat.”

By the time she slid the extra plate free and loaded it up with food, Jericho joined them, seemingly happy to answer questions about the latest on Messiah City, including the fact that each of the child-molesting elders had been denied bail. All were still sitting behind bars, awaiting trial.

“That’s a perfect place for them. I know Beck will be happy to hear that.” Heavenly shook her head in disgust. “What about the people who chose to leave and brave the outside world? They can’t be having an easy time.”

They probably weren’t, and her compassion never ceased to amaze Seth.

Jericho shook his head. “A lot are struggling, as expected. But some are embracing their new freedom. Not as enthusiastically as Zach, but it’s a start. The volunteers from those rescue groups are amazing. They know exactly what they’re doing.”

Heavenly nodded. “Thank goodness.”

“Yeah. The whole situation is so tragic. The stories some of these girls told were both sickening and heartbreaking. But this is one case where I actually got to make a difference. It feels really good, you know? Like I have a little faith in humanity again—and for me, that takes a lot.”

The sun was sliding toward the horizon when Raine announced dessert would soon be ready. Seth and Jericho let out a low groan and palmed their full stomachs.

“Dessert? I didn’t leave room for that.” Seth grimaced.

“Me, either.” Jericho glanced over his shoulder. “Hey, I need to chat with Zach, catch him up. Care to join me?”

Not really. Beck’s brother still brought back feelings he didn’t handle well. He knew he had to keep trying, but then Pike strolled up to River and Dean’s table. The pair sitting tensed.

“Oh, no,” Heavenly murmured. “This won’t be good.”

“Didn’t find Jasmine yet, did you?” Pike taunted.

River suddenly leapt to his feet, his face twisted in fury. “You motherfucking son of a bitch.”

Dean was out of his chair a split second later, gripping River’s shoulder and holding him back.


