The Confession – Unbroken – Heavenly Rising Read Online Shayla Black

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 134
Estimated words: 130159 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 651(@200wpm)___ 521(@250wpm)___ 434(@300wpm)

Cocking his head, Seth listened for clues. A short second later, another guttural groan sounded from the living room.

Adrenaline firing his veins, he tiptoed out of the foyer and rounded the corner. When he caught sight of his brothers on the sofa bed, he stopped short. His eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

Jack and Connor were fucking the same glassy-eyed brunette.

Holy fuck!

He blinked. But the vision was still there. His twin brothers were definitely hammering their cocks into the woman, whose lips were parted and her head was tossed back in a picture of ecstasy as the sofa bed shook violently with each thrust. She moaned again.

Shock ricocheted through Seth. He stood slack-jawed, his thoughts racing as he tucked his gun away. What the hell should he do? Leave them to their devices…or confront them?

Legally, they were adults, capable of making their own decisions—in theory. It would probably make him a giant hypocrite to shut them down…but they weren’t mature enough to grasp how difficult it was to mesh three lives into one. If he could guide them down a simpler path, wouldn’t he be doing them a favor?

Oh, god. I should have been a better role model.

And what if they were both in more than lust with this girl? What if it was love? Fuck, that would complicate everything. As that nightmarish scenario skittered through his brain, the urge to do something to save them from such a difficult future pressed in on him. Maybe in a few years, when they had more life experience—when they understood themselves and love, commitment, sacrifice, compromise, and all that entailed a lot more—they could handle it. But right now, Jack and Connor weren’t ready for the long-term ramifications of loving one woman.

While Seth had miraculously found love again with Heavenly and Beck, their relationship wasn’t always easy. Every day, they had to make the conscious choice to find the common ground necessary to keep moving forward. The three of them had overcome so much to be together, and Seth knew they still had hurdles to clear. He hated to think they might eventually encounter one that tripped them up for good. They were committed to working through those issues…but what if the day came when love and commitment weren’t enough? It would end in obliterating heartache. Being the only father figure in the twins’ lives, Seth felt obligated to steer his brothers away from these kind of difficulties. But he had to do it without revealing his own secrets.

Fuck me. This is going to be like jogging through a damn minefield.

“Didn’t I tell you that once you’ve had twins, you won’t go back?” Connor panted, shuttling in and out of the woman’s ass. “You believe me now, don’t you, Emily?”

Seth rolled his eyes. The dumb ass was still using that idiotic phrase he’d spewed to Heavenly at the pool the day he and Jack had arrived. When Seth had pressed him about it, both brothers had assured him they’d been kidding.

Clearly, they’d lied.

That was nothing new. Growing up, the twins had told some whoppers to cover for one another so neither got grounded. Obviously, they were still lying as adults. They weren’t fucking teenagers anymore. They needed to stop acting like it.

Emily responded with an incoherent whimper that morphed into a long-suffering wail.

At the same moment, Jack sucked in a sharp hiss. “Slow the fuck down, Connor. Every time you take the ass, you go too fast. Ease up so I can get off, too.”

Every time? Oh, Jesus. Seth mentally recoiled. They’ve done this before.

When? Where? Why?

“I can’t help it,” Connor groaned. “She’s got the finest ass I’ve ever fucked.”

“I get it, bro. Her pussy is the same, but you’ve got to slow down,” Jack reiterated.

“Too late. Fuck!” Connor gave one last jerky thrust before letting out a strangled yelp and stilling in her backside, tendons pulsing in his neck.

Jack gripped her hips tighter, surged up even harder, and growled, “Give it to us, baby.”

Emily did, tossing her head back and screaming as Jack lunged up one last time with a filthy, guttural curse, jaw tensed, teeth clenched. The sex sounds went on for long moments. Seth grimaced. Heartbeats passed. The room fell into silence.

Seth blew out a breath and prepared to open a can of whoop-ass. “What the hell are you two doing?”

Besides fucking this girl into orgasmic bliss?

Connor jerked his head up, his eyes locked on Seth’s before shock and horror ripped across his face. He yanked free of Emily’s backside and scrambled to cover himself with his pants. “Fuck. Fuck. Shit! We got company.”

Jack’s head popped up from the cushion. He blinked at Seth, then his eyes grew bigger than baseballs. Unceremoniously, he shoved Emily off him, then frantically covered her—and himself—with a sheet.

“Who’s that?” she demanded, her big eyes on Seth.


