The Current Between Us Read Online Kindle Alexander

Categories Genre: Erotic, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 113741 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 569(@200wpm)___ 455(@250wpm)___ 379(@300wpm)

All of this was his personal equipment, and he never let anyone handle it. This load would be heavy, but the checkpoints to the mission were reasonably secure and waited his arrival. His hidden campsite required a three mile hike through the desert of Mexico, placing them just west of the mission. They would use manmade tunnels, all carved out centuries ago, in one of the mountain ranges to be the go-between from the campsite to the abandoned convent mission tucked in a Valley between two mountain ranges. Gage had checked the forecast before he came up to pack. It looked like the temperature would be somewhere around a million degrees, making it a fun-filled, treacherous assignment all the way around.

Gage ran his hands over his face and through his hair. He needed to get this show started; time ticked away, and he was making himself late. The chartered jet sat waiting for him while he stalled because all he could think about was his sexy, hot as hell, new boyfriend… who loved him. He shook his head at the grin that wouldn’t leave his face, and he silently began packing. He was a loved man…someone amazing loved just him…and it set his world on fire.

Slinging his cases over his arm, he dropped his keys and phone into the front pocket of his walking shorts and turned off the lights in the upstairs area. He trotted down the stairs and hit the door to the gallery with a kick in his step. He shut the door and set the security to his upstairs apartment and turned to see his driver, his security guard, and Jacquelyn all staring at him. At first, he didn’t understand their confused appraisal of him, and then he remembered the smile that never left his face.

“I guess someone had a good time last night,” Jacquelyn said, coming to stand at the front entrance of her office.

“I did, great showing last night,” he said, passing her by.

“Here, Gage. I’ve a collection of media coverage on last night. I packed it for you to read on the flight,” Jacquelyn said, handing him a large manila envelope full of newspaper clippings. “This is print media. I’m sending you an email link of all the online news feed coming in. Your boy was a big hit last night, you two have pictures everywhere.”

“Hmmm… keep me posted on that. If it doesn’t die down in a few days, I want to know. Refer everything to my agent, they have some statement ready to go,” he said, walking past her to the front door.

“You two were hot last night, and for the record, I totally picked up on it from day one,” she called out after Gage.

“Yeah, right, whatever! Maybe you could have put me out of my misery, because I sure didn’t pick it up,” Gage called out, laughing, as he walked out the front door, his driver following behind him.

The chartered jet waited for him at Executive International. His driver drove him directly to the tarmac after passing through security at the gates. It took only minutes for him to board before they were on their way to Mexico. Gage pulled out his laptop, sent a couple of quick emails to his travel agent, needing to book this same flight for Sunday morning. They emailed back and forth, and for a small fortune, he’d arranged to have the plane waiting for him in Mexico at midnight, Sunday morning, with a return flight placing him back on Mexican soil sometime after six in the morning on Monday. That would give him all day with Em, then all night with Trent. If he worked aggressively, he could broadcast by Tuesday and be home Wednesday morning.

Absently, he wondered if there were a way to talk Trent into being at his apartment Wednesday about mid-day in nothing other than his tool belt and a smile, possibly bent over working an outlet when he arrived home. The thought made his smile grow, and he pulled out his phone to bring up a photo he’d snapped last night when Trent had been unaware he’d been watching. Trent Cooper was such a handsome man. Everything about him turned Gage on. This snapshot may have been about the time Trent learned who his parents were. He breathed a sigh of relief over that situation. He’d been lucky. Gage had worried Trent would be angry with him for keeping the secret, but so far he seemed to understand.

The in-flight attendants made their presence known, bringing Gage his normal coffee and bagel. A tradition he’d started years ago and never changed. As he sat, picking at the bagel, he pulled the newspapers out and grinned. Jacquelyn was right. Every entertainment section of every major newspaper printed the story from the Associated Press about his gallery opening. The same picture ran in all the newspapers. Admittedly, it was a great picture. He stood with his arm wrapped casually around Trent’s waist, introducing him to Katie Couric. They were all smiling at one another, Trent’s charming grin in place, Katie looking a bit overwhelmed by Trent, and Gage laughing at her for being so taken with his date.

The article didn’t give much away about Trent. It talked about Gage’s opening and the small reference he made during his speech about the last report. Sid was quoted saying everything in this last report came together nicely. The only other comment the article made was a quote from Gage when he told a reporter Trent was his boyfriend and lived locally in Chicago. Gage cringed, looking at the article. In hindsight, maybe he shouldn’t have said that, but pride ran deep inside him. He didn’t want to hide them, but he also hadn’t considered the homophobic atmosphere of construction and what it might mean to Trent’s future. He laid the newspaper aside and brought his phone up to text his father.

Dad, thank you for coming last night. It meant the world for you and mom to be there. Gage sent the text to his father.


