The Gift of Strength Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 72494 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 362(@200wpm)___ 290(@250wpm)___ 242(@300wpm)

Tightening my hold just enough that he felt my strength around him, I waited until he let out a soft sigh and cuddled into me even more before continuing. “Then we go forward, pet. That means little steps and we talk along the way, but I remember your limits and what you said the other night. We’re going to have a great time, no worries.”

He’d talked around a few things but it’d all been hinting at his father being a bit too strongly on the spare the rod spoil the child side of parenting. Payton didn’t seem to think he’d been abused, so we hadn’t talked about it in that light, but he didn’t want anything we did to have that same feeling.

So, punishments were going to be creative or denial-related, and spankings were going to be all about funishments and orgasms. But since that was my preference, I had no problems with it. I was just going to watch him carefully if we did any role-playing.

“Then…” He wiggled against me, not seeming to worry about that part of things as he tried to cuddle closer, and took a deep breath before he tried again. “That means you’ll…you’ll take control and be my…you know…take charge?”

I couldn’t help smiling as I ran my hands over him, loving the little ways his body responded to my touch. “I’m going to be your Dom for tonight. In situations where it might not feel like a scene, I’m still going to take charge and steer our evening. You have your safewords and we’ve discussed how important it is to use them. Alright?”

He nodded against me, taking a deep breath again without being prompted. “Yes, Sir. And you said the goal is for both of us to be relaxed and honest tonight.”

That seemed to be leading us somewhere, so I kissed his head and didn’t move quite yet. “That’s right. And right now, I’m going to be honest and tell you how much I love holding you and I’m very proud of my self-control because my hands are behaving themselves quite admirably.”

That got a giggle from him and seemed to lift some of whatever he’d been thinking about so hard. “And I’m going to be honest and tell you that I liked what we did at the bar and…and I want to explore more tonight…if that’s okay?”

“I think that’s more than okay.” Shifting my head so I could kiss down his neck, I loved the soft whimper that escaped my sweet sub. “I loved everything we did the other night and I can’t wait to do it again.”

There had been something incredible about seeing him react to the praise and the audience and everything in general. Once he let go of his fears, he was passionate and naughtier than he seemed to have realized. For some reason, Payton seemed to think he was boring and that was just not the case.

“Let’s go inside, pet, and then I’m going to have you kneel for me before the food gets here.” We had a bit of time but not enough for a long scene. It would be just enough to get him in the right headspace and turn him on.

I gave him one last kiss before relaxing my hold on him. He took the cue to straighten, looking slightly bashful as he eased back from me. “Good boy.”

That had his posture softening and the shy look on his face shifted more toward submission. “Thank you, Sir. I…I want to do a good job for you.”

“This is the easiest thing in the world, pet.” Taking his hand, I kissed his cheek before turning to unlock the door.

As we went in, I squeezed his hand and focused back on Payton. “For tonight, all you have to do is listen to what I tell you and respond honestly if I ask you a question or if there’s something I need to know. That’s it.”

I didn’t want this to be stressful for him.

“If something doesn’t feel right, then you safeword. If you get confused, we talk about it, but you don’t have to ever jump through hoops to figure out how to please me.” Tugging him closer as I shut the door, I released his hand and wrapped my arms around him again. “Just being with you makes me happy, pet.”

That brought the blush back in full force but he didn’t pull away. “It sounds too easy. Part of me keeps waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

Given what little I knew from his past, that made sense.

“Then let’s give your brain something else to focus on.” Taking his hand again, I led him through the small foyer and into the living room. The shape of the building made people think the apartment should be small but it was bigger than they expected.


