The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

“What’re you smiling about like that?”

“Oh nothing.” I kissed his cheek and went back to putting my head on his shoulder as visions of the summer ahead played through my head.


I went back in the room just in time to see my wife buckle over in pain. I wanted to yell at the doctor but knew there wasn’t anything she could do other than what she was already doing. “You’re using Stadol not Demerol right?”

“That’s what it states on her chart sir.”

“”How many milligrams did you go with?”

“One, are you a doctor sir?” I just gave her a look, that was answer enough.

“Her contractions were fifteen minutes apart when we came here, how dilated is she?”

“We’re still in the latent stage, she has a ways to go yet. We’re at four centimeters. She hasn’t had a contraction since you left the room.”

On cue the monitor beeped and she reached for me. I was hoping against hope that her doctor would get here, she’s the one that had taken care of her pregnancy for the past nine and a half months, but since Lyons trusted this woman who looked like she was seventy if she was a day, I’ll have to put my wife in her hands.

The pain wasn’t as bad this time I noticed since the Stadol had kicked in. I’d researched everything in preparation for this day and though I wanted to scream and punch the walls, I’m gonna make sure I stay on my feet through this whole ordeal.

My mind replayed everything I’d learned on a reel in my head. Oh shit, Catalina. “Babe, you still up to letting me tape this for you know who?” I’m not about to let her come into the room, as much as she thinks she’s ready for this I don’t think s. But if this is something she can use then I’m all for it.

“Sure, you promised her didn’t you? But Hank try to make it less graphic for her.” I didn’t bother telling her that I had no control over that shit. “Sure thing babe.”

“Can you let the others in now? I don’t feel as stressed as before.”

“Sure!” I went to the door and called her girls in and they damn near ran over me. Lyon looked up when I walked out and his face started to move in and out of focus.

“Whoa, Mancini!”

“I’m good, I’m okay.” Ah, shit! I looked around the room at all the men gathered there. Men I didn’t know that long when you think about it, but had come to be as close to me as anyone has ever been.

I’m never worried about myself in any given situation, but that was my wife in that room about to give birth to my child. I had everything in place back in New York and though I wasn’t expecting trouble, this place is an unknown.

“You need me to get you something?”

“Nah! I couldn’t put words to what was going on with me. Now that I’d gotten her here and she was doing okay, my body wanted to give out on me or some shit. Time seemed to stand still one second and then moved way too fast the next.

“Uncle Mallory, did you bring anyone with you?”

“Place is surrounded.” Yeah, because although mom doesn’t know, she knows.



“So these the boys huh!” Uncle Mallory nodded his head as he looked around the room, still with that cigar in his mouth. “You got a good looking group here Hank listen, when you get done here, let’s talk I got some stuff.”

“Why don’t you tell Lyon about it, they can get some stuff done…” He beckoned me closer.

“This doesn’t go any further than you and me. I promised the doc years ago when our boys were younger, that I’ll keep an eye on his kid, not let him get into my thing.”

“You mean the mo…”

“Shh-shh, keep it down will ya. Listen, you know what a maverick is?”

“Of course!”

“That kid’s always been one, he almost killed a guy with his bare fists when he was about sixteen. Kid did some shit to Travis and Colton went rogue, didn’t wait for me or my guys to get our hands dirty.” He pointed his finger at me like that was all the explanation I needed.

“And his dad asked you to keep him outta trouble?”

“Something like that. I think the doc was afraid that he’d become like me, he’d a made one hell of a boss I’ll tell ya that. But those two, him and your cousin, they watch each other’s back, always have. That’s why I turned him onto you. Where’s that asshole Thorpe, why ain’t he here with this bunch?”

“Jeez unc, there’re kids around.” He looked around the room again.

“Only one I saw is the scientist and she can tell you where every last one of those words originated from. Besides, she’s not here.”


