The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

Sometimes I wish he too would just forget who I am, that I’m the beloved first daughter of Colton Lyon and just go for it. I’d like to know what all the fuss is about after all. But he would never dare and now he’s gone, too far away for even a few stolen kisses.

And though I no longer have the fear of losing him dogging my heels since he’d had my name tattooed on his chest, right over his heart, I still get antsy every once in a while. It wouldn’t be hard for some other girl to see his amazing qualities and go after him.

He’s told me a thousand times that that will never happen, and I believe him. Todd’s never lied to me before, but things happen. And the way daddy’s behaving who knows how much longer Todd will be willing to put up with having a girlfriend he can’t see let alone touch.

Mom had offered to go with me so I could attend Todd’s prom a little over a year ago, but daddy didn’t even bat a lash when he squashed that dream. I was so afraid that Todd would go with someone else that I stupidly gave him the go ahead, just so my heart wouldn’t break if he was the one to bring it up.

But instead he’d missed his prom for me, and had stayed home on Facetime with me that whole night. That one still breaks my heart a little though and I’d promised myself that I wouldn’t let him miss anymore of life’s landmark occasions because of me. Silly I know, with Colton Lyon forever hovering in the background.

So, my last bid to escape fell through, now I’m sitting here on the edge of my seat waiting for mom to give me the good news, that daddy has finally agreed to let me go away a year early. Now that I think about it, two years was pushing it.

Truth be told I was a bit scared the year before, scared and excited about the possibility of leaving home and going away to college at sixteen. It was a relief and a disappointment when daddy said no. I was mostly disappointed at the fact that he still saw me as a little girl.

But now I’m a year older and many more- wiser and I want to be with my Todd. He’s waiting for me at the school we’d chosen together. It’s one of the top schools in the nation, something any parent would be proud of. But it could be the top school in the universe and daddy would still scoff at it.

I heard my little sister out in the hallway and smiled to myself. Sounds like she’s giving our dad fits about something, as usual. She’s the only one, other than mom, who can get away with that. I wish I had her spunk.

As little as she is, she’s the only one other than our mom, who’s just simply amazing, that can run circles around daddy and send him into hiding. A tiny little thing no taller than my hip, which come to think of it is pretty much how tall I was at that age, but unlike me at that age, she has a big personality; fearless, opinionated a mini version of daddy to be honest.

During the day she’s this extremely bright child…no scarily intelligent is a more apt way to describe her, and I’m in awe of her brain along with pretty much everyone else. As smart as I am, I know she’s in a whole different league. But at night, when she sneaks into my bed and lays her head on my shoulder, I’m reminded that she’s just a little girl.

She can be a real pain at times, always underfoot, but those times when she climbs into bed with me, she’s just my precocious little sister with the million and one questions.

It took me a while to realize that unlike the meaningless questions you’d expect from one so young, hers all tend to have a point, almost like she’s quizzing me with a purpose.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that she’s on mine and Todd’s side and that her questions are all geared towards helping her big sister get what she wants. Too bad she’d have to go through Colton Lyon to make that happen, and I don’t see it happening anytime soon.

I went back to playing with Cody who was half asleep on my bed. He’d tired himself out running around my room for the last hour or so, so I patted his back to help him on his way as I reached for my backpack to grab my homework.

It would be another few hours before Todd calls as he usually does every evening. I live for those calls and feel like the world is coming to an end if I miss one, which I try my very best to never do, something else daddy hates and grumbles about. I can’t wait to be eighteen.


