The Man with 2 Clubs – The Shape of Love Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 28415 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 142(@200wpm)___ 114(@250wpm)___ 95(@300wpm)

You’ll be fine, the voice in my head murmurs. Take a deep breath. Let the anxiety go.

I open my eyes and will my heartbeat to slow. It helps, and the serene blue of the water soothes my soul. Minnesota is the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes, so it’s not surprising that I’ve come upon an unnamed body of water in the middle of nowhere. In fact, naturalists say that we actually have more than ten thousand lakes. If you counted all lake basins in our great state, including those which are dry, we’d have over twenty thousand lakes. So it’s unsurprising to stumble this mysterious watering spot.

But then, I blink because there’s something in the center of the lake. I squint and try to make out what it is, but it’s hard because the sun’s shining so brightly that the thing out there shimmers like a mirage. But I strain my eyes, and the great thing about being young is that my eyesight is sharp. With a gasp, I realize that there’s an island in the middle of the lake. What the hell? Wow, talk about a surprise. Not only have I stumbled upon a secluded lake in the middle of nowhere, but there’s actually a mysterious island located at the center of it. What’s next? Will a hand bearing a sword rise up from the waves, brandishing Excalibur? Will the lost island of Atlantis rise from the sea, populated by mermen and mermaids? I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised at my discovery, but it feels special because there’s something different about this island. The image of the land mass shimmers in the distance, wavy and indistinct, as if it’s part of a dream.

But then, something astonishing happens. I didn’t know lakes had tides, but it seems that this mysterious body of water is big enough to be affected by gravitational forces. As I stare, the water slowly recedes from the lake shore, revealing a granite causeway. It’s essentially a rock path leading to the island, and it looks manmade. Is this for real? Did someone build this? Are there people on that island?

Suddenly, all of my problems evaporate as I step cautiously onto the causeway. I feel like Dorothy following the Yellow Brick Road as she sets out for Oz because this is an adventure … and I know there’s something better waiting for me on the other side.



The walk over the causeway wasn’t too bad. It was maybe half a mile? Or a whole mile? Usually, I’m pretty good at keeping measure, but the digital watch on my wrist has gone kaput and I have no service on my cell. I might as well be in the wilds of Alaska, I’m so cut off from civilization.

Still, it’s exciting to discover a lost island! I’ve already decided that it’s my secret island, despite the fact that the causeway is obviously manmade. As I set foot onto the dirt shore, I turn to look back over my shoulder, and to my surprise, the tide is already coming in again. What in the world? How did that happen? Tides are caused mostly by the gravitational pull of the moon, so low tide and high tide should be hours apart, at the very least. Yet it feels as if the tides are cycling especially quickly in this mysterious lake. As I watch, the causeway is slowly subsumed by water until it’s submerged once again. It literally disappears from view, and I blink with shock. What is going on?

Even crazier, I suppose I’m trapped on the island now, unless I can find a boat to take me across. I shake my head, suddenly feeling confused. It’s as if I’m living in a movie, and everything’s going in dreamy slow motion. Is this for real? I literally hold a hand up in front of my face to make sure it’s still there. Maybe I’ve turned into a princess, and I’m actually tall, thin, and svelte now, wearing a pink gossamer dress with a golden crown on my head. Woodland animals are going to prance out of the woods to frolic at my feet, while birds land on my shoulder, singing sweetly. Unfortunately, that doesn’t happen. Instead, my regular hand is right there in front of my face, complete with grubby, half-bitten nails, dirt caked on my palm, and a plethora of hangnails. Yes, it’s definitely still me.

Hefting my bag over my shoulder, I decide to explore. Maybe I’m not a princess, but I’m Amy Ryan, and I’m in control of my own destiny. Taking a deep breath, I hike into the woods, following what looks to be a deer trail. There are a couple droppings on the side, which is a good sign because it means that animals live here. This island must have edible vegetation and fresh water if animals are able to survive.


