The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

He tore away more of the shirt until it was shredded cloth on top of the bed. “Do you believe me?”

“Yes.” I arched into him. “I do.”

He fondled my nipples and then laid a trail of kisses from my breasts down to my belly button. “Touch my horns.”

I whispered, “Say please.”

“Please.” He rubbed his horns against my stomach, evoking an eruption of pleasure that sent a searing heat through my blood.

Shivers soared up my spine and delivered electrifying waves of tingling lust.

I gripped the horns firmly in my hands, massaging them up and down in a circular motion.

“You’ve been a bad queen. I’m going to punish you with my mouth.” He pushed my legs apart and slipped down to my pussy.

I moaned.

His tongue licked. His fangs nipped at my sensitive clit. Shockwaves of pleasure rocked me.

I screamed and let my gaze go to the ceiling.

And then shock blasted my whole body.

While Xander licked my clit, Ian hovered above us. His new copper eyes gazed down at me.

He has. . .eyes now.

Half of his face hid in the shadows. But what I saw shook me with surprise. Pale skin covered the half I could see. No more gray, rotting, and dusty surface.

His full lips curled into a smile as his copper eyes strayed from my face and traveled to the nipples Xander was teasing with his fingers.

Why is he still up there?

I was mortified that Ian was watching us.

Then, Xander’s mouth enclosed around my clitoris, enveloping the swollen bud in warmth and moistness.

“Oh!” It felt so good. It took everything inside me to focus on Ian on the ceiling.

Xander slipped his fangs along my clit.

Yes. . .bite it. . .

I didn’t know if it would badly hurt or not. I just knew that wherever his fangs touched, eventually tantalizing ecstasy would surely follow.

Xander flicked my clit with his tongue.

I whimpered.

Like a crazy vampire, Ian continued to watch us.

I shook my head, trying to gesture for Ian to leave, but he stubbornly stayed there, suspended from the ceiling and fixated on me as I helplessly ground into Xander’s delicious mouth, unable to fight off the orgasm that begged to break through the surface.

Xander’s voice seeped into my mind, taking my attention away from Ian on the ceiling. Come for me, my queen.

“Oh!” My whole focus shot to Xander’s sucking, his magical hands, and his seductive voice.

Who am I to you? he asked.

I shrieked. “My king!”

The orgasm ripped my senses apart. A shuddering scream tore through my lips as my body was hijacked by rapturous pleasure. I vibrated with uncontrollable intensity. My vision and hearing drowned in a cacophony of blissful ecstasy.

And I rocked into Xander’s mouth, closing my eyes and tightening my grip on his horns. He thrust three fingers into me. I came again, spasming on blissful waves.

“I can’t. . .take. . .anymore.” I trembled uncontrollably against him as his fingers disappeared. I opened my eyes.

Ian remained there, gazing down as Xander kissed my thighs.

Damn you, Ian. Leave! Are you trying to get killed?

Suddenly, Ian’s copper eyes met mine in surprise, and then in a flash, he crept away with no sound, disappearing into the ceiling’s shadows.

Can he hear my thoughts too?

“Blood drops or not,” Xander’s face rose as his gaze pierced mine. My arousal smeared all over his lips. He licked them. “I won’t share you with him or any other.”

“I don’t want another lover. Ian will only protect me in the sewers.”

“And what was he protecting you from just now?” Xander gestured to the ceiling. “Did he think I was going to kill you with my tongue?”

I froze under Xander as he climbed up to me until his head leveled with mine. He pressed his cock against my pussy’s dripping opening.

I shivered. “I don’t know why he watched.”

“I do.” Xander entered me, his cock solid and thick. “And like I said before, I won’t share you.”

He drove into me hard, slipping into my slick, wet tunnel with ease. “Who are you to me?”

My blood stirred in my veins from me just hearing the question. “Your queen.”

He slammed hard into me. “Who?”

I moaned, “Your queen.”

Chapter 23

A Human Buffet


Xander, Ty, Victoria, and I rode inside a newly polished silver wagon.

A human servant wrapped in fine cloth sat in the front and guided the two jet-black horses toward Octavia’s party. He wore a large silver hat on his head and a silver and black robe that sparkled in the moons’ light.

Every few blocks, the horses’ nostrils flared as they trotted down the road.

Thick black curtains draped the wagon’s windows. Xander told me vampires used them for protection from the sun during daylight travel.

Tonight, I slid the curtains to the side and pressed my cheek against the window’s cool glass.

Am I really coming back to this city?

My nerves were jittery since I was so close to the castle, but still, I couldn’t help but gasp in fascination at the view of Capitol City. The cityscape was alive with shimmering lights like a million fireflies, each illuminating its own unique corner of the massive metropolis.


