The Vampire King – The Immortal Crown Saga Read Online Kenya Wright

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 86
Estimated words: 85552 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 428(@200wpm)___ 342(@250wpm)___ 285(@300wpm)

Xander growled, but still, I advanced his way, not happy with the hurt etched on his face.

“I would never disrespect you like that. Never.”

Xander directed his attention to me. “You let him bite you.”

“I did, but only for information. I’m sorry. I should have talked to you about it—”

“I would have said no because it would be a waste of time—”

“I got a lot of information, Xander. Please, trust me.” Sighing, I pressed the side of my face to his warm chest. At least the heat of his skin was lowering. His heart beat loudly in my ear.

“Trust me,” I whispered. “Just trust me.”

Xander wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed me closer to him. “I trust you, my queen.”

“Are we all friends now?” Ian asked.

“Be quiet, Ian,” I yelled.

“I’m calm.” Xander’s embrace tightened. “So what did this new and improved Ian have to say to you?”

“A whole lot, dear nephew.” Ian exited the bathroom. “But the time for information can wait. I would like you to be my king so you can release me from that blasted spell and let me go above ground to breathe air and fuck as many women as I can find.”

Xander let go of me, grabbed Ian’s arm, and yanked him back. “We’re not done talking.”

Ian shoved him away. “You will need to control those hands from now on. My power is returning. I won’t be grabbed by you anymore.”

I cleared my throat. “You can’t just walk around the city.”

“Why not?” Ian tilted his head to the side. “No one will recognize me and even if they did, they would soil their pants and run the other way.”

I rushed out into the hallway. “Ian, I have more questions about your first queen and—”

“I’m hard!” Ian growled and then pouted like a spoiled baby. “I want fresh air. I’ve been in a sewer for a hundred years. In Ambi’s name, release me, take me outside to see the city, let me make love to four or five human women with tight little wet cunts, and then you can ask all the blasted questions you want.”

“Four or five?” Victoria giggled and stepped out of the hallway’s shadow with Ty holding her hand. “Ian, you look well. Am I to assume this is more of Camille’s blood doing its magic?”

She’s not surprised to see Ian.

I wondered how long Ty and she had been watching us from the shadows.

“I gave him my blood in exchange for information,” I said.

“And why do you need five women?” Victoria circled Ian and studied his new face and body. “Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

“Fine. Two women,” Ian grumbled. “At least two.”

“Why two?” She raised her eyebrows.

“He has two. . .of them.” I pointed to Ian’s crotch.

“Oh my!” Victoria covered her mouth.

Ty and Xander exchanged glances.

“Is this because you’re a king or were you born that way?” Xander asked.

“Release me from the spell and I’ll tell you everything about being a prince and king.” Ian grinned. “And put those horns away before we all get killed. Many vampires in the city are old enough to know a ripening vampire prince when they see one.”

Xander formed his fingers into huge fists. “I don’t know how to put the horns away.”

“You see, nephew, you need me more than you think.” Ian groaned, went to Xander, and tapped both of the horns’ tips. They sucked back into Xander’s forehead.

Xander touched his head. “How did you do that?”

“The horns push out when you’re aroused or aggravated. When you’re repulsed or calm, they’ll return to that dense skull of yours.”

“That can’t be right.” I shook my head. “I spent all day trying to calm Xander.”

“You’re the first queen. You can calm him, but he’ll always remain horny around you too.”

Ian closed his pants and buttoned his shirt. “By me tapping his horns, he’s repulsed enough to retract them.”

Ian placed his view on Xander. “Now please. . .release me from the spell.”

Xander turned to me. Then, his voice slipped into my head. My queen?


Do you really think we can trust him?

I nodded.

Yes. He’s already told me a lot.

Xander’s muscles decreased to his normal size as he directed his attention to Ian. “How do I cancel the spell?”

“It’s simple.” Ian shrugged. “You must create a mental bond with me.”

Xander snarled. “I won’t bite you.”

“You will if you desire to keep your queen safe.” Ian frowned. “Because you’re still a ripening prince. You still need to have your fangs inside the person.”

I widened my eyes.

A deep growl left Xander.

Ian rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry. I’m not excited about the idea either.”

“No.” Another boom rumbled from Xander’s chest.

I hugged Xander to me. “Ian has the answers to our questions. In just a few minutes with him, I’ve already learned about my blood and why Leeta is a vampire. If you’re uncomfortable with the bite, I’ll remain touching you while you do it.”


