The Wallflower (Ruthless Disciples #1) Read Online J.L. Beck

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, College, Dark, Sports, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Ruthless Disciples Series by J.L. Beck

Total pages in book: 139
Estimated words: 127146 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 636(@200wpm)___ 509(@250wpm)___ 424(@300wpm)

I turn toward the sound of the water and start heading that way. I walk and walk and then walk some more. My heels throb, and my legs burn, but none of that matters if I can keep myself out of the lion’s mouth.

Hunting for the water, I miss a log lying in my path and trip, going ass up in the dirt.

My knees hit first, then my palms, and finally, my cheek skids across the ground. Ugh.

I hit hard, the breath in my lungs knocked out of me, and for a moment, I lie like that in the dirt. My fists clench tight as my rage boils over inside. Tears leak out of the corners of my eyes, and I swipe them away with my dusty palms.

The urge to scream is almost overwhelming, and I bite my lip to repress it. Allowing nothing but a groan to slip past as I press up off the ground and roll over onto my ass. I don’t feel bad for myself often, especially when I know others out there have worse circumstances, but right now, in these dark woods, where I’m alone and cold, I give in to that self-pity. More angry tears fall, and I hate every single one that escapes.

It's fine. I lean my back against the offending log and give myself a second to rest and breathe. I just need a minute to pull myself together and consider my next move. One minute.

Crickets break up the silence around me. At least I didn't fall face-first into someone's ass. The mere thought makes me gag. Then again, now that I think about it, it's been a while since I've seen anyone else… I don’t know if I should be worried or hopeful. If this is the direction of the cabin, and no one else is headed this way, then I might be on the right track. If it’s not, well… I don’t allow myself to think further on that.

I sigh and sink against the log a little more, resting fully now. With all the sounds of the night surrounding me, I sink deeper into the calmness, and it’s that moment when I fuck up.

It’s a fraction of a second before I hear those heavy footfalls pounding through the underbrush, but I’m not fast enough. I’ve barely gained my footing and am standing when from behind, a hand closes over my mouth while his other arm snakes around my waist, knocking me off my feet.

I want to scream, to cry, to beg him to let me go. To reveal my stupid hope that he’ll take pity on me, but I already know how this will end.

With me on my knees before him.



I've let her run around these woods like a scared little rabbit for some time now. I'm surprised she has any fight left in her. Especially since she spends most of her time in the library and not in the gym.

"I've got you, little flower. Calm down so I can look at my pretty prize," I say, sliding my hand away from her plush mouth.

She lets out a screech, kicking her legs futilely into my knees. I squeeze her tight, letting her continue until she eventually wears herself out. The idea was to let her believe she was getting away and let her push herself to exhaustion. Her fight is intoxicating, but hunting her down, and laying claim to her is far more tempting. Her body quivers in my arms, her muscles already strained and on the edge of giving up.

"Shh..." I whisper. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

She sags abruptly, almost sending us both back down into the dirt. "You've chased me around the forest in the darkness like you’re hunting an animal. How can I believe you won't hurt me?"

A chuckle escapes me, and I run my nose down the side of her neck. Beads of sweat make her skin sticky, and it takes every level of restraint I have not to lick the side of her throat and taste her fear. "Well, what if I promise pleasure along with the pain?"

She huffs, and I can't help the smile that splits my face. My little wallflower has some sass. I like that. It just leaves me with more pieces of her to break. "Are you doubting me, little flower? Because I won’t lie, that hurts my feelings."

That earns me another snort. I hold her harder against me, wanting her to know who is in control. Without her oversized sweatshirt, I get a much better feel of her body. Fuck me. The softness of her hips and the slim line of her waist... I lick my lips as I gaze down the ample curve of her tits. They will feel so good in my hands. I start to let my mind wander. Will her nipples be tiny or big? A dusky pink or a darker shade of brown?


