Two of a Kind Read online Ella Goode (FU High #3)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: FU High Series by Ella Goode

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 33230 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

Belle: You’ll really do my nails to match my hair?!!!?

I smile at how excited she seems to be. Another text comes through.

Belle: Ms. Caron says hi back!

Belle: Can we do it today?

Me: Yes, have your brother drop you off after school. I’ve got to do some homework. I’ll see you later if he’s okay with it.

Belle: He’ll say yes. He’s the best big brother in the world.

I figured. As much as I want to punch Brad and maybe kiss some more too, I know he loves his little sister.

Me: See you soon.

I put my phone down as I sit at one of the tall stools at the counter. I drop my bag, pulling out my homework and everything else I think we might need.

“This place is killer!” Taylor is spinning in circles looking at everything. The house is pretty. That’s all it is, though. There is no life here or memories that you never want to forget. It is cold and lifeless. He wouldn't think the kitchen was so pretty if he had seen my mom inside of it shouting down the house. This kitchen has a wicked echo.

Sarah puts two glasses of lemonade down on the counter, signaling to me that she’ll be in the next room. I know she doesn’t care for Taylor. She must have heard his mumbled comment too.

My phone buzzes on the countertop. Brad’s name comes up. He’s calling now.

“Boyfriend?” Taylor asks, taking the seat next to mine.

“Nope, my last tutor.”

“You go through them that quick?” He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows. Lovely. I change the subject to my homework.

This is pretty much how the next hour goes. Everything I say Taylor has a flirty response to. At least we get our work done. I’m still not a hundred percent positive that I understand it but at least my makeup homework is done as well as today’s. I’ll get some sleep tonight and with a clear head tomorrow I’ll try to find another tutor.

“I think that’s it for today.” I close my textbook before reaching into my bag and pulling out the cash, handing it to him. He pockets it as he stands.

I follow suit so I can show him out. “So tomorrow again?” he asks as I open the door.

“I’ll email you. Not sure what I’ve got going on.” It’s not a total lie. I have no idea what time I’ll be meeting my next tutor.

“Why don’t you give me your number?” He pulls out his phone.

“I’ll email you,” I say again.

“Playing hard to get? I forget you’re in high school. College girls don’t play games.” He tries to chastise me.

“You’re right. I was playing a game. I won’t be emailing you. I lied.”

He mutters what I think is bitch. This time he makes sure that I hear him. How convenient. I roll my eyes at his back as he heads to his car, not wasting my time fighting with him. Why did I enjoy doing it with Brad though?

At the same time, Brad and Belle pull up. He barely gets the car into park and they both are flying out of it. I think they’re both in a rush for two very different reasons. Brad’s face looks as though he’s going to murder someone. Is it wrong that I want to suggest Taylor?

Chapter 11


“Who are you?” I snarl at the frat boy with the punchable face.

“I’m the tutor,” he declares. He takes in my jeans with the tears developed from wear, my black hoodie with the pocket half hanging off and my battered tennis shoes and dismisses me. “I’ll see you tomorrow, sweetheart.” He makes a finger gun and winks at Melody.

Beside me Belle makes a gagging noise. Melody doesn’t look thrilled either and that’s enough for me to stick my foot out. It’s not really my fault that the dude doesn’t watch where he’s going.

“Careful,” I say. “Wouldn’t want you falling on Mel’s property and filing a fraudulent lawsuit or something.”

Dude wrenches his arm out of my grip and straightens his shirt with a huff. “As if I would need to do that. I’m doing this tutoring as a favor, not because I need the money, unlike some people I know,” he sneers.

“Wait. Why are you tutoring Melody? My brother’s her math tutor,” Belle pipes up.

I haven’t told Belle I’d gotten the boot yet. I was going to but she was so adamant about me bringing her to Mel’s house, even going so far as to show me the texts the two exchanged. Because I was so desperate to see Mel again, I kept my mouth shut. Mel throws me a look I can’t really decipher. It’s not angry but...pensive. As if she’s thinking things through but hasn’t arrived at the answer yet.

“No. That would be me,” the frat boy interjects.

“Mel?” Belle raises a pair of hurt eyes to Mel’s face.


