Wicked and Wild – Kindred Tales Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Alpha Male, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 88
Estimated words: 83353 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 417(@200wpm)___ 333(@250wpm)___ 278(@300wpm)

Sometimes he even came with her to the ship’s library to study and—once she got seated at a table in the back of the library behind rows of digitally recorded books and reference materials—he would duck down between her legs and treat her to a leisurely tongue bath while she tried to hold back her moans. Needless to say, she didn’t get a lot of studying done during these occasions but Hanna felt deliciously daring letting her ghost warrior go down on her in public, knowing that no one could see him but her.

Her life would have been completely perfect, she often thought, if only Wraith would consent to make love to her. But though he used his fingers and tongue on her nightly and even made use of the large, Kindred-sized toy that Hanna had bought from a novelty shop to fuck her long and hard, he refused to try and Bond her to him.

“I’m afraid I’d drag you into the realm of the dead with me,” he said, when Hanna—who had lost her fear of becoming a ghost—begged him to just try.

“I don’t care!” she told him. “Please, Wraith—I just want to be with you. What does it matter if we’re both dead as long as we’re together?”

“But he shook his head, looking grave.

“No, little one. You would miss your mortal life. It’s terribly difficult not to be able to touch anything, not to be heard or seen by anyone. I won’t take that from you. Please don’t ask me to.”

So Hanna had to be content with doing everything but Bonding with her ghost warrior. They spent hours every night enjoying and exploring each other’s bodies and it wasn’t just Wraith who enjoyed using his mouth. Hanna loved to suck his thick shaft and stroke the Bonding Knot at its base until he groaned and came for her—shooting his seed down her throat.

Hanna never had trouble swallowing. His seed melted away like cotton candy in her mouth, leaving nothing but a faint, spicy taste behind that reminded her, oddly enough, of a pumpkin spice latte.

November had come to an end and December was halfway through when Wraith and Hanna walked into Aunt Luna’s suite and found her crying. Uncle Bruin was sitting by her side with an arm around her shaking shoulders.

“Oh no—what’s wrong?” Hanna exclaimed. Immediately her mind went to the worst case scenario. “Is it Sam? Did something happen to her?” She hadn’t seen her older sister in months—not since right before Halloween—and she’d been trying not to bother her too often since Samantha was basically on her honeymoon with the Wulven Kindred warrior she had Bonded with. The two sisters had talked over the Think-me several times, but they hadn’t communicated in a while.

Because you’ve been too happy with Wraith to remember to talk to your sister, whispered a guilty little voice in her head. If something happened to Sam, it’s your fault, Hanna! You should have been talking to her more often, but no—you’ve been lost in your own little world…

But Aunt Luna shook her head.

“No. It…it’s not, Samantha,” she said in a voice choked with sobs. “It’s an old client of mine from Earth—a dear friend. Something terrible has happened and I just don’t know how to help.”

“What is it? What happened?” Hanna asked—immediately sympathetic. (Not to mention immensely relieved that whatever the trouble was, it didn’t involve her sister.)

“Oh, this client—Summer is her name—she came to me asking if she would ever be able to get pregnant,” Aunt Luna explained. “This was some time ago—about five years, I guess—right before I met your Uncle.” She gave Bruin a little smile through her tears and he squeezed her gently. “She’d been to so many doctors you know—she and her husband had gone through all the tests and none of them showed anything wrong. They were about to start IVF but it’s so expensive and their insurance didn’t cover it—it was practically going to bankrupt them!”

“That’s terrible,” Hanna said. “Did something happen to her? I mean, did she ever get pregnant?”

“I read her cards and told her to try again on the next full moon,” Aunt Luna said. “And I gave her a little fertility charm—nothing big, just a sachet of herbs blessed by the Goddess to bathe in under the moonlight before making love. Anyway, it worked like…well, like a charm. She got pregnant right away and they had a beautiful baby girl.”

“Well that’s wonderful,” Hanna said and Wraith nodded his agreement. “So then…why are you crying?”

“Summer just called me on the Think-me,” Aunt Luna explained. “Something terrible has happened to her daughter—she named her after me. Did I mention that? It was a lovely gesture. Anyway, Little Luna, as they call her, is about four now and she somehow got into the neighbor’s backyard where they have a pool…”


