Wylde (Iron Tzars MC #9) Read Online Marteeka Karland

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC Tags Authors: Series: Iron Tzars MC Series by Marteeka Karland

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 45031 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 225(@200wpm)___ 180(@250wpm)___ 150(@300wpm)

I wiggled, a hint for Wylde to put me down. When he didn’t, I patted his chest. “Please, Wylde. Set me down.”

He growled, obviously not liking the idea, but did it anyway. Once on my feet, I went to my sisters. Both of them let me hug them. Apple clung to me like she was still terrified. The poor thing probably was. Hell, I was still shaken. Even Lemon, my tough girl, hugged me back fiercely.

Assured they were physically OK, I turned to Deacon, who was sitting on the couch beside Apple.

“Thank you, Deacon. Apple told me she called you, and you were there almost instantly.”

“Woulda been there sooner if I hadn’t had to drag his dumb ass out of his office. Fucker was playin’ a fuckin’ game. Had to kick the fuckin’ door in.” Deacon glared at Wylde like this was all somehow his fault. I tried to ignore the pang I had in my heart that after our confrontation he’d calmly gone back to his club to play video games. He’d said he loved me, but did he really mean it? Or was it just the heat of the moment?

Deacon squeezed Apple’s shoulder before standing. When he did, I stepped into his embrace and hugged him as fiercely as I’d hugged my sisters.

“Thank you so much for being there for Apple. I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t been.”

“I’ll always be there for her. I’ll look after all of you, though I’m pretty sure Lemon could do that on her own.” When I pulled back, he had a huge grin on his face. “Girl’s hell on wheels. Gonna make a fine old lady to some poor bastard.”

“Like fuck,” Lemon muttered. “I might find me an old man, but I ain’t no one’s old anything. And I damned sure ain’t no fuckin’ lady.”

That sent the women into peals of laughter. Odette, the newest member of the group, actually wiped tears from her eyes, she was laughing so hard.

“Lord help me.” I couldn’t help but grin. “Though she has a point. Maybe that’s the stance I’ll take too.” Lifting my chin, I looked back at Wylde, who had leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest, a strange, bewildered look on his face. His gaze never wavered from mine.

“Double-dog dare you.” Lemon rolled her eyes as she scowled at Wylde. “Though, I’m pretty sure you could do much fuckin’ better. Man’s a fuckin’ asshole, and I’m pretty sure I fuckin’ hate him.”

I took a deep, long-suffering breath. “Are you trying to see just how many times you can use the word ‘fuck’ in a sentence before I reach my breaking point?”

The girl shrugged. “Dunno. Maybe. It’s my favorite word.”

“Why don’t you get some rest, Danica?” Deacon patted my uninjured arm gently. “I’ll watch over the girls.”

Wylde snorted. “Yeah. Watch over ‘em. Especially Apple. Right?” The innuendo was clear, and I sucked in a breath. Not because of the implication Deacon would do something improper, but because of the look Wylde’s words put on Deacon’s face. This wasn’t going to end well.

I probably should have at least tried to stop Deacon, but I wasn’t really ready to forgive Wylde yet. The man had hurt me more than anyone in my entire life.

Deacon moved past me, his strides quickening with each step he took. The impact of his fist against Wylde’s face echoed through the small room with what seemed like a deafening crack. Wylde grunted, stumbling but not going down. Surprisingly, he didn’t retaliate, which was surprising.

“Open that fuckin’ mouth again.” Deacon’s face was a mask of rage. Wylde lifted his chin but didn’t say anything. “Done fuckin’ with you, Wylde. One more wisecrack and we’re gonna have it out. Even if I am just a prospect in this club. I got no problem takin’ you to task over these women.”

Lemon tossed Wylde the ice pack she’d been holding to her cheek. “Looks like you might need this more than me, big guy. Now why don’t you get the fuck out?”

“I deserved that,” Wylde said with a nod to Deacon. “Stay with the girls. Keep them safe.”

Deacon cocked his head like he didn’t understand what was going on. Then Wylde turned his attention to me and held out his hand.

“Come with me, Dani.”

I shook my head even as I took his hand. The second my hand touched his, Wylde closed his fingers around it, lacing his fingers through mine. I could see the emotion in his eyes, the need shining there. Which wasn’t a new thing. Wylde made no secret he wanted me. But there was something else there. Something… vulnerable. He was clinging to my hand like it was his lifeline.

Knowing it was a losing battle, I finally nodded my head, going with him when he led me from the room. I’d never seen Wylde so subdued. It was like he was a completely different person. Well, except for goading Deacon. But I got the feeling that had been a measured attack. One thing I’d noticed about Wylde but had dismissed until that very moment was how he never did anything without a reason. Even when he ordered outrageous drinks at the shop to make it difficult on everyone, it was to get my attention, something I hadn’t thought about until this very moment. There was a method to his madness, as it were. I also thought there was an underlying reason he was the way he was.


